Blue Diamond saw her clouds turn a bit pink in the distance, as she gave a small smile towards Steven.

(Y/n) on the other hand, couldn't stop chucking.  But soon, the cloud gently disappeared

"Where is your gem young (y/n)?"
The giant gem asked.

".. it's spreader all around my body.. to properly see it. I'll have to poof..."
She responded. 

Steven looked at the two as he floated towards them.

"... the only non painful way to do this is to Fuse, and then unfuse, so that you'll come back as a Gem, and not in a form" Steven stated, but it didn't seem he really wanted to go with the plan.

White diamond took a closer look at the Gem that stood on Blue Diamond's hand, her eyes stared onto her body. As a soft hum escapes her lips.

"Your gem is not in a single place but in multiple?"

She asked.

(Y/n) nodded her head yes, looking into White Diamond's large Eyes, that paired eith bueatiful long lashes.

Yellow Diamond was Inspecting
(y/n)'s body, but she couldn't seem to find any visible Gemd at the time.
"If they are spreaded around, where are they"

"Oh, when my Gem isn't in use, the gem becomes some sort of Transparent, and slightly takes the color its attached too. Here"
She stated as when she pulled out her hand our stretched, her wrist was grabbed by Steven.

"Before... you activate your Gem, the Diamonds Should Know what Type you are"
Steven stated... as a slight sweat drop appeared on the corner of his forehead.  He was nervous at their reaction... he didn't want Blue to drop her and him, if she reacts Badly to (y/n)'s Gem weapon badly. As it can shattered them for good, as that what it's made for.

"(Y/n)... is a Forced Human - Gem Hybrid.. from my mother"
Steven begins to say, not letting go of (y/n) Wrist.

White Diamond's widen more than they already were.

But so did Yellow's.
"How is that even Possible" The Gem exclaimed.

"My research show that Anything lower than a Diamond's gem is almost entirely impossible to be merge.. nonetheless Forced with organic creatures like Humans. "
This made the large women think.
"If a Sapphire were to force Fuse with a human, the chances are so extremely low, for it to even work, and if it were to, the human would die. All all Diamonds are Here... how did... how did Pink did it..."
Her voice became soft after her little rant.

Steven glanced at (y/n)... and then back at the Diamonds.
"Pink Diamond.... she took the Gem of Esteriá. Pearl doesn't know if it was the one activated all those years ago or the broken one, it could be either as it seems both are missing"

The large room, got extremely dead quiet. Very fast.

"... Steven Are you saying..."
Blue begins to speak, but she was trying her best to not have her hands tremble that held the two.

".... if you can't show me the gem as a whole, then Steven Fuse with her and unfuse. We need to see how it's
White stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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