Part 4 of ♥𝓜𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱 ♥

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welcome to part 4 of my celebrity crush  i will be using a few lyrics from a song called after hours by the weekend, anyways i hope you all enjoy.

Miguel: well i gotta get going to my next class Maddie: okay! i'll see you all at mason's place after school at around 5:30? Miguel: yeah i'll be there Y/n: Migu- -Miguel walks away before Y/n could finish her sentence- Maddie: maybe he didn't hear you? Y/n: yeah- maybe come on let's go -Y/n and maddie start walking away and Y/n turns her head and see's a girl walking up to Miguel hugging him- Y/n: ... -later on in 3rd period y/n is on her phone and tests Miguel:hey- Maddie:-whispers to Y/n: stop trying to text him im sure he's just busy- Y/n: -nods- Teacher: Y/n do you mind sharing your conversation with the class since it seems so important that your interrupting my lesson. Y/n: i- uhm sorry miss.. i was asking something about the lesson.. Teacher: oh then you should know what we were talking about. so what was i just talking about. Y/n: you were talking about how if water boils it'll Evaporate.. Teacher: i guess you were telling the truth, just don't interrupt my lesson again, Y/n: understood-15 minutes later Y/n sees a instagram post of Miguel with the girl he was with earlier- Y/n: ...-gets up and rushes out of the classroom about to cry- Teacher: Y/n? Maddie: Y/n!-rushes out of the classroom and looks for Y/n- Y/n: -crying in a bathroom stall and wipes tears- Maddie: y/n..-knocks on the bathroomstall- can you please come out Y/n: fine..-come out of the stall- Maddie: Y/n.. what's wrong why'd you run out of class like that Y/n: -shows her the post- Maddie: im sure she's probably a cast from the black phone it's fine cheer up okay?-hugs y/n- Y/n: thanks maddie i don't know what i'd do without you-smiles- Maddie:well come on it's lunch time -they walk out the bathroom and head to the cafeteria  and a guy walks up to Y/n- Maddie: oh do you know him? Y/n: yeah it's alright go eat your lunch Maddie: alright! Y/n: hey Asher Asher: hey Y/n how are you? Y/n: im good! it's been a while since i last saw you!-she hugs him- Asher: haha i know i missed you Y/n: i missed you too-smiles- 

Miguel: mason who's the guy Y/n's hugging? Mason: i don't know he got transferred here last month i think he's one of the teacher's kids Miguel: oh alright Brady: are you jealous or something-laughs- Miguel: oh shut up-laughs and hits his shoulder- nah im not jealous though i trust Y/n Mason: good cause she's defiantly a keeper Miguel: yeah i know Y/n: well asher im gonna go and meet up with my friend Asher: oh alright i won't hold you up, bye Y/n: bye!-she heads over to the table Maddie is at- Maddie: okay  fill me in!! who's the hottie Y/n: he's an old friend from my old school Maddie:hmm okayy -Miguel walks over to Maddie and y/n's table and sits down next to y/n- Miguel: hey Maddie, hey Y/n Maddie: hey miguel Y/n: hey -she hugs Miguel- Miguel: how was your classes? Y/n: uhm good i think Miguel: alright then Maddie: so what are we doing this week?? Y/n: me and Miguel are going to the movies Miguel: oh- about that.. i can't make it i have something to do Y/n: oh alright i guess your just too busy to hang out with me Miguel: no- it's not like that Y/n: sure whatever Miguel: y/n. im serious it's not like that okay? Y/n: fine.. Miguel:-hugs y/n- i love you alright? Y/n: mhm Maddie: well come on y/n we gotta go Y/n: alright bye miguel Miguel: bye love you, -later that night they're at a party, y/n is wearing a short red velvet dress, meanwhile maddie is wearing a light blue short dress with a ruched side, they get to the party and 10 minutes in y/n loses maddie-  Y/n: oh god.. -sits down in a corner- wishing miguel was there- Y/n: where you now when i need you most..-she grabs her phone and texts miguel: are you busy still.. Miguel replies to y/n: no i just finshed up some work, what's up? Y/n:-sighs- maddie brought me to this party i don't wanna be here, plus i lost her Miguel: oh jeez, uh want me to come get you?? Y/n: yes please i'll send u my location, later on they all get home-

Miguel: y/n what do you want for your birthday? Y/n: i don't know just spending time with you maddie and mason is good enough, Miguel: you don't want a gift or anything?? Y/n: nope Miguel: alright then, Y/n:-yawns- Miguel: if your sleep you can go on and sleep in my room Y/n: okay! -y/n heads upstairs to miguel's room and falls asleep-(cute y/n aura <3) Mason: soo she doesn't want a present for her birthday?? Miguel: no but you know i can;t not get her nothing for her bithday coming up, i might get her a necklace or take her out to disney, cause she did say she ust wanted to spend time with me, you an Y/n:d Maddie Mason: or you could try getting her parents to come back from their trip early Miguel: i don't think i would be able to do that in time for her birthday, Mason: good point, then let's stick to taking her to disney then Miguel: alright then, i'll get her a necklace, probably a bracelet too or something and take her to disney then  Mason:  fine with me, i hope she enjoys her birthday though Miguel: well me too i don't want her to not enjoy her birthday you know Mason: haha yeah i get what your saying, Miguel: well im gonna start buying the tickets and stuff Mason: and i will go look at presents to get her Miguel: thanks man i don't know what i'd do without you Mason: i know and that's why you need me Miguel:-laughs-

Miguel: well anyways, are you staying over or are you gonna head back home? Mason: i'll stay tonight then probably head back home after we have y/n's birthday party situation solved Miguel:alright, thanks again for helping me with all this, Mason: no problem Y/n: im so tired why is my phone blowing up..-grabs phone and sees instagram messages of people asking what it's like dating miguel- what the heck, i am too tired for this..-she mutes her phone and falls asleep- Mason: alright ima head to bed Miguel: okay, same here-miguel goes upstairs to his bedroom where y/n's sleeping and changes his clothes and lays down next to her, later on at 9:49am- Miguel:-runs hand through hair while working on his laptop- Y/n: ugh.. why are you up so early..? Miguel: im always up early.. well most of the time, but if your sleepy still go back to sleep, but i go you coffee Y/n:-sighs- thanks Miguel: your welcome, do you have anything planned this weekend? Y/n: no not that i aware of -she takes a sip of her coffee- Miguel: okay, well uhm maddie's coming over today or if im correct she's probably already here, i don't know

My Celebrity Crush💫|Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now