Part 3 of ♥𝓜𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓫𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓻𝓾𝓼𝓱 ♥

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interviewer: Miguel could you tell us all what the up coming moving is? Miguel: haha well i can say what it is i just can't say much about the upcoming movie, the upcoming movie's name is actually called "how we met" that's why me, Y/n, Mason, maddie, and Emma are all in the movie, it's about a friend group that have known each other for years and as we told you Y/n will be playing the role of my crush since she is my girlfriend Y/n: yep interviewer: im looking forward to seeing this fantastic movie, well that's all for now-later on they're at the mall shopping- Maddie: Ooo Y/n this dress would look amazing for the red carpet tomorrow Emma: agreed you should get it Y/n: alright alright i'll buy it Maddie: good it's so pretty Miguel: me and Masona are gonna go  look at some of the suits to see if we like any of them you girls be safe especially you Y/n Y/n: miguel i'll be fine go pick out some suits me and the girls will be fine alright? Miguel: fine we'll get going Mason: be safe-Mason and Miguel start walking away- Emma: well lets shop around yall! -the next day its 7:00am- Emma: know i see what you guys mean by being busy

Maddie: yeah and we have a lot to do so girls get ready so we can finish up everything else and make it to the red carpet on time and not be late Y/n: alright noted -Y/n goes and takes a shower- Y/n: eh-does skincare and makeup and fixes hair- Miguel: that dress looks nice on you it suits you Y/n: and you  look handsome, that suit looks good on you Miguel: you look better then i do-he kisses her forehead- Y/n: well come on we're not done with everything  yet  Miguel: alright im gonna go help Mason with his suit and make sure nothing's wrong with it so we can get this show on the road Y/n: alright love you Miguel: love you too -later on at the red carpet- Y/n: it's so many camera's flashing- Maddie: that's how red carpets are but you can go sit down if your feeling uneasy Y/n: no its okay im fine-smiles a bit- Maddie: alright -fans start blurting out questions and camera's are flashing and Y/n starts spacing out and her anxiety rises- Maddie: hey, hey Y/n are you okay?? Y/n: my head hurts- wheres Miguel..-Y/n starts getting Nauseous and starts staggering- Maddie: y/n calm down its okay Mason is gonna go get miguel-keeps Y/n close and gets off the red carpet and heads to the back, Miguel runs to where they are- Miguel:hey Y/n what's wrong?! are you alright? Mason: her anxiety is rising it's making her panic Miguel: go get water! -he hugs Y/n and reassures her that she's okay- Y/n: im fine- -mason hands Y/n a water bottle-

Maddie: Y/n this is normal if it's your first time being in front of  a lot of people especially if it's really loud like it is right now just breath you'll be okay Y/n: alright- Miguel: come on we gotta get back, Y/n just stay by me -they head back to the red carpet and start taking pictures with some fans- Kid: hi! can i take a picture with you? Y/n: yeah of course!-they take a picture together, and Y/n and Miguel start taking more pictures with other people- Maddie: come on Y/n-Maddie and y/n head to take more pictures with other fans and they take a break to drink water, latter on its 12:30pm and they're back at home- Mason: are you guys up to going to the beach? Emma: yeah im down Maddie: same here Miguel: yeah -they head to the beach and Y/n is walking around the beach with Miguel- Miguel: sorry if the red carpet was a bit overwhelming Y/n: its alright Miguel: are you ready for the upcoming test at school next week? Y/n: yeah i just gotta study a bit more and i'll be 100% ready for the test-time skip at school- Teacher: alright everyone you all did good on the test you all can head onto break Maddie:finally Y/n: well he test wasn't that hard since i studied but i still did good, Miguel: hey babe Y/n: hey, how'd you do on your test? Miguel: i did good  how about you? -Mason joins in on them walking down the halls- Y/n: hey Mason Maddie: hi mason how did you do on the test Mason: i did good i got a 89% Miguel: i got a 92% Y/n: me and maddie both got 94% Miguel:that's nice!

guys i am so sorry i have  to cut  this short because i have school i will finish after school tho! love you all i hope u all enjoyed this chapter!

My Celebrity Crush💫|Miguel Cazarez MoraWhere stories live. Discover now