Study (Modern Au)

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Megumin wasn't nervous. She was the (self proclaimed) Crimson Demon why would she be nervous? She was just going to study at a friend's house. Kazuma said he'd help her study so it's fine. Well he said he would help her get into his school if she let him eat in peace but he's never direct when being nice to people. Megumin's train of though flew off the rails when she reached the address she was given.

Was that his house? It was big enough to be a mansion! Weren't college students supposed to be poor? Kazuma probably has roommates to help pay for it. It occured to her that Megumin didn't actually know very much about his life. She was planning on going to Kazuma's university shouldn't she know more about him?

Megumin rang the doorbell expecting Kazuma but the person who opened the door was a beautiful girl with blue eyes and blue hair. Who was this!?

"Hello?" The stranger greeted Megumin with a confused look on her face.

"M-My name is Megumin! Crimsom Demon and Weiler of Ex-"

The blue haired beauty started to close the door.

"W-Wait!" Megumin grabbed the door to force it open. Why did she go full chunibyo when she was nervous? (which she wasn't) "I-I'm here to see Kazuma is he here?"

That gave the the blue haired girl pause. "Really? Why?" Her eyes narrowed "What did he do?"

"He said he'd help me study."

The blue eyed girl scoft "Kazuma there's a girl here for you!"

"I'm not falling for that Aqua!"

Megumin recognized Kazuma's voice. So he did live here but did this women -Aqua- live with him?

"No really!" Aqua called back "She said her name's Megumin and she's in middle scho-"

"I'm a highschool senior!" Megumin interupted louder than she intended.

"Oh really?" Aqua asked "Did you skip a grade? Why do you want Kazuma's help studying?"

"I'm 17." Megumin said angrilly. She knew she stopped growing in middle school she didn't need a reminder. She had Yunyun for that.

"Oh Megumin." Kazuma said finally coming to the door. "I hope my idiot roommate didn't say something stupid."

"Why do you always have to be so mean to me!? I just met Megumin don't tell her I'm an idiot!" Aqua cried.

"Hey Kazuma." Megumin squeezed pass the blue haired crybaby to get into the house  "Where should we set up?"

"My room should be fine. My other roommate is using the living room to exercise so it can't be helped, come on-"

"Hey Megumin if Kazutrash tries anything just call out I'll be there in a jiffy." Aqua said suddenly serious.

"Don't worry I know how to handle Scumzuma." Megumin assured her.

"I'm standing right here!"

They've been studying for five minutes and Megumin was already bored. She already knows all this, why was she here? Her excuse was that it was just to get Kazuma's help but really she just wanted to spend time with him. She probably shouldn't have insulted him. Especially after finding out that one of his roommates is a woman.

Mistakes were made, but Megumin still had her goal in mind. She was in Kazuma's room she'll make her move when they take a break. That probably won't be for a while but-

"Wanna take a break? I think we made good progress."

Megumin should have known that Kazuma would be too lazy to study for a decent amount of time. She shouldn't have answered with "We've only been studying for five minutes." but those were the words that came out of her mouth.

"You know all this already and we're doing this for you." Kazuma pointed out "I don't have to do any of this remember?"

"How did you get into college with that attitude?"

"Aqua bullied me into it."

Megumin's eye twitched. "O-Oh you've known her for a long time?"

"I've known Aqua for as long as I could remember. She's annoying and never does anything useful but I can't just abandon her." Kazuma signed leaning back "All she does all day is try to get people in her weird religion and she never pays rent."

Seems like there's no romantic interest for Aqua, that's good.

"She can't pay rent?" Megumin asked "Why-"

"Like I said I've known her forever." Kazuma shrugged "It's kind of hard to imagine not having her around."

Megumin knew that Kazuma was secretly nice but she still didn't like him helping another girl that much.

"Hm... You're room is clean." Megumin noted looking for a change of subject "I kinda figured that it would be filled with trash."

"What kinda guy do you take me for?"

"Lazy and selfish but secretly nice in a way that you refuse to show most people."

Kazuma blushed. Good, He was cute when he got embarrassed.

Then the door burst open.

"Kazuma I finished my workout, you can use the living room now."

Megumin gaped at the woman who invited herself into Kazuma's room. She thought Aqua was a looker, but this blond amazon took the cake! Not only did she have massive tits, (which Trashuma was probably staring at right now) but she was clearly in great shape, she even had girl abs! It didn't help that she was still wearing her workout clothes, which left little to the imagination. Megumin immediatly became aware that she can't run a mile and had what her mother generously called a slim chest.

"Thanks Darkness, I think the showers free if you want it." Kazuma said calmly as he began to gather his things.

He didn't even care! How often did this woman walk around showing off like this? Why were both of Kazuma's roommates stunning women!?

"K-Kazuma who is your guest? She's staring at with such a hateful gaze..."

"Oh sorry, I'm Megumin. Kazuma is helping me study."

"You can just ignore her Megumin, Everyone else does."

Darkness grunted in... joy? No that can't be right, nobody would be happy with what Kazuma said.

Kazuma and Megumin went to the living room to try and keep studying but Megumin couldn't focus at all now. She only just decided that Aqua was a non threat now she has to worry about Darkness and her insidious body!

"Oi Megumin."

"Huh? Yeah?"

"You messed that up."

Megumin turned her attention back to their work and to her surprise she did make a mistake. Usually even when she halfassed her school work she aced it, she was very confidant in her intelligence.


"What are you apologizing for? If you don't want to do this we can watch tv instead."

"Yeah ok, I'm not really paying attention to what we're studying anyway."

After staring into the abyss that is Netflix suggestions for a little bit Megumin had to ask,

"Why do you only live with beautiful women?"

"Because only disastrous people hang around me for some reason."


"You don't know them yet. Aqua is useless and annoying and Darkness has a gross personality. I think you're only person I hang out with that I like the majority of the time."

Megumin looked away trying not to show how much that made her smile. Then Kazuma kept talking.

"Even with your weeb energy and chunibyo moments."


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