Chapter Three: the tour

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Weens knocked on the door before opening it. Identical looks of horror flew on their faces as she Allowed the gothic family to step in. Morticia lets out a grasp and grips her husband's hand tightly, clearly In distress. "It's so… vivid." Gómez comments, wincing at the sight of it.

 The room was decorated cutely and colorfully, blue and green fabric hung from the bed to her desk. The Large window shines purple, blue, and yellow brightly throughout it.

The joyful girl stood from her desk and shuffled towards them. "Howdy, roomie!" She waves, beaming at her. 

"Wednesday. This is Enid Sinclair." Weens gestured her gloved hand to the blonde-haired girl with blue and pink highlights. Her hair stopped above her blue and black striped school uniform.

Concerned by Wednesday not saying anything. Enid spoke up, "Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale." She asked, concerned Hoping to get her to say something but Wednesday didn't say anything, she just kept her gaze on Erid.

"Don't worry, She always looks half-dead." Her father added, giving a crooked smile.

'A living dead girl? Cool.'  

You stood behind them, quietly watching the scene unfold, Enid let out an 'oh' welcoming Wednesday before spreading her arms wide, attempting to hug her. Wednesday quickly backed away, staring at her in disgust. 

You raise your fist and knock on the door. Making them turn to you, "Eind," Your thick boots hit against the wood floor as you walked to her as she turned her attention to you, "Not everyone is a hugger." You Patted her on the back as she lowered her head and nodded. 

"Ah, Y/n. I would like you to meet Wednesday Addams, our new student." 

You turn to the pale girl and put your hand out. "Hi, I'm Y/n l/n."

She looks at you before taking in your appearance. 

You wore the same black and indigo striped uniform as Eind minus the blazer, a silver skull ring caught her eye along with the few scars that scattered across your fingers. Wednesday took your hand into hers, tightly. "Wednesday. Wednesday Addams." 

Her deep almost black eyes stare you down, you felt your fingers twitched 

uncontrollably as she kept squeezing it. You tilt your head looking back at Wednesday.

 She expects you to be afraid and to back away from her, But instead of backing down, You smile and gripped her slender hand with the same amount of pressure, "Cool name, It's nice to meet you." She nods and releases her grip as you stepped backwards. now standing next to Eind. 

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