Chapter Four: A black dahlia

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As it starts to rain, Thunder rumbles in the night's sky. The sheriff's shoes sank in the mud with each he took a step closer to the crime scene.

"Where's the rest of him?" He asks, eyeing the head that was on the ground. Its neck had been ripped off exposing muscle, skin, and crusted with blood. its eyes were glazed over with terror. The plumper black woman responded,

"Well, the torso and arm are over there. "As She pointed, Water fell from her jacket. she continues, "We found his leg by the lake. There's an arm in that tree over there and the rest of the parts are so far unaccounted for. It matches the profile of the other two attacks last week."

The older man nodded as the heavy downfall continued, soaking his hat. "All right, issue a warning and keep hikers out of the woods. Don't approve any more campfire permits for the foreseeable future."

"And what do you want me to tell the press?" Officer Foster questions, looking at him doubting.

The sheriff took a deep breath and rubbed the bridge of his nose as the officer kept talking, "You know they're going to be swarming like mosquitoes in July."

He sighed heavily, "Tell them the bear is back."

"You don't believe that, sheriff." She scoffs.

"No I don't. But whatever did this wasn't human. Look, I know these murders are connected to nevermore. I just can't prove it yet. So until I can.." He Trails off, His eyes flickering back to the decapitated head.

"It's a goddamn bear."


"I still don't understand why you can't ask him on a date?"

"Because I don't know how!" She groans as she flops back onto your bed, looking defeated. Eind had come to your room to talk about her conflicting feelings with Ajax. And you. Knowing that she needed someone to vent to, let her.

"Help me!"

you stare at her in disbelief, "How do you want me to help you? I haven't even talked to Ronwn yet. I've got nothing. Eind.'' you furrowed brows at your words, thinking that they came out harsh.

She drops her into the pillow and lets out a high pitched scream. You pull away from the desk, rolling to her in the chair. "Hey, Hey, hey. Just ask him out. I mean, why are you sitting here as if he's already said no instead of.. trying," You said as you rubbed her back, trying to console her, "Ok... What if I ask Rowan out and you ask Ajax. Will that make you feel better?"

She lets out a muffled yes and nods with her face, still in your black silk pillowcase.

"And if You don't try, Eind Sinclair. I swear to god(s) I will light all of your squashMellows on fire." You threaten, lowering your voice slightly. You wouldn't actually burn her shuffle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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