FIVE. something slight

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IT HAD been a long while since Raven and Zack met

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IT HAD been a long while since Raven and Zack met. So long that Cody and Bailey had began to date right after Hannah Montana had performed on the boat... it was a long story, but they got together.

And London was currently seeing this magician guy named Armando.

Zack on the other hand, had a date that night. Everyone had a date and here stood Raven at the smoothie bar.

She, against her will it felt, had gotten a job on the boat. It was between this and teaching the elderly how to swim. She chose the better option in her opinion.

The smoothie bar wasn't heavily busy at night, so she was able to witness the many failures of dates and lonely singles that left the deck crying their eyes out.

In fact, her next target was on their way. Zack came rushing from the side, tapping a man's shoulder and taking the flower from his cup to give to his date.

"Hey, beautiful." He smiled, giving his date the flower and sat down across from her.

"I've been waiting here for 45 minutes."

"Hey, now, hey now. It takes things to look this good."

"He was probably looking for soap." Raven said, cleaning one of the smoothie cups.

"Well, let's see how good you look sitting by yourself."

His date threw the flower on the ground and Zack stood, he made his way towards the smoothie bar and sat down in front of Raven.

"I thought Sarah and I were really hitting it off."

"Her name is Tanya." Raven said, placing a smoothie in front of him.

"I don't get women. They expect you to remember names and times for dates. What more do they want from me?"


Zack cut his eyes towards her and sipped on his drink.

"Don't you have other people to bother?" Raven asked.

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