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The brunette held the drink away from their lips, confused at the sound. A short haired blonde entered the room, the sight of him making Vil practically lose it. Why on earth was he ruining his plans? Now of all times.

"Oh? What is it? Oh, dear... You're one of those performers that worked with Vil, yeah?"  Vil looked between Neige and Rook, his blood begining to boil. Rook wouldn't dare. He had no problem helping him poison you. What difference does it make now?

A lot of a difference. Rook was okay with poisoning you because they hadn't intended to kill you. And Vil fully intends on killing niege. They intended to keep you, not kill. Not only that, you were supposed to be something shared between them. Rook could never have both Niege and Vil. So even if he has to choose one, he'd at least like the other to live in. For he still found beauty in all forms of life.

"Yes! My apologies for interrupting, but the staff was looking for you, Niege! You must go!" He ushered the young boy the very action causing him to receive a cold glare Vil. The further the bottle strayed from Neiges lips the closer Vil came to poisoning the little rat himself. Not to mention, the behavior of Rook! How could he?

I... I've run so much to get here! I can't held big feel my exaggeration take hold of me. And my... that apple juice you're holding looks so cold and refreshing. Could I trouble you to let me have it?" The boy pursed his pink lips, smiling at the sight. He was always willing to help those in need. Not to mention maybe he could find you? You weren't to far, he knew of it.

"Anything for those who need it! You look parched, here!" Rook grasped ahold of the brunettes hands and for a second, one could see the pink hue on his cheeks. Rook was blushing, the sight of such purity, such innocence, how devine it truly was.

The drink now in Rook's hands, Vil's brows furrowed together. How dare his -soon to be boyfriend- prevent him from committing homicide? What happened to friendship? What happened to going through and listening to his asks. It felt like a stake through the heart seeing that flushed face upon Rook. How dare he?

"Thank you, Neige. You should hurry on to the stage, people are waiting for you! And don't come back." Rook murmured, pressing his hand onto the crook of Neiges back.

"Huh? What? Wait, I-" Niege struggled as Rook practically was ushering out the room, more or less, herding him as if he were sheep. Inches away from the door, Neige grounded himself, turning around and clasping Rook's free hand desperately.

"Go on, off with you, now! Away, away!"

"B... But! I have a question! Oh please, let me ask!~" He cried, Rook's face flushed at the situation in from of him. He was touching Niege. Not only that Neige wanted something from him, not caring to grasp onto the blondes fingers.

"Ah... Of course! But please hurry! Leave as soon as we're done!"

"Of course! Please tell me, is [Name] out there?" Rook could feel hot iron on the back of his skull, that glare could be felt from another realm. That judgement radiating off of Vil despite having not look in his direction to begin with.

"Oui, oui! Mademoiselle Lapin is! Hurry before she flees!"

"Oh thank you, thank you!~"

Neige chirped, running off while holding the hat that bagn to slip from his head, seeing as the boy was trembling with true excitement at the idea of such a thing. You? You were out there? You must've been waiting for him, no? Please tell him, you felt that too, yes!? That burning passion? The true definition of love at first sight!

Yes, it had to be you! No one else was ment for him, truly! He rushed along, his legs burning as he did, a sense of childlike joy radiating off of him as he unknowingly ran straight past you. Literally. You turned around for a brief moment, curious as to what had put him into such a good mood. The mask upon your face had repelled him from double checking, your weren't a rabbit, nor was your face fully distinguishable.

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