Versus the Zero Gravity - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Spyder lets go!" Veracity says pulling on his arm trying to get him out of the room. 

"He's gonna want this!" 

"Come on!"


"Wait, Wait wait!" Ryan said After hearing a noise from above us, as we we're about to climb back in the vent. "He just destroyed the device." 

"Any ideas?" Mark asks the group.

"Cry?" Harris suggests.

"Okay any better ideas than crying?" I ask again. 

"I have one." Ryan says. "Its not a great one but it will work."

"As long as it works and none of us die, lets do it." Veracity says as Ryan ran back out of the room, the rest of us following behind. 


I didn't really understand what I "Its not a great one but it will work." Meant until he lead us back to the observation deck, and used his powers to take of the hologram on the robot, and detach it from the station. Traeger in monster for had now jumped out of the station in to space. After trading shots a few times, Traeger had grabbed on to the robot just after Ryan gave his normal signal, but this time said,

"Overload the X-Weapon?"

"Overload the X-Weapon!" Spyder and Harris repeated in unison. 

"Mech-execute." This time all of us, except Harper, said it together. It only took a few seconds, before the robot exploded, taking Traeger with it. 

"And thats the last of my power up." Ryan says glancing at his arm band. It was such an awkward silence after we blew up the robot. It wasn't tense, or nerve racking, it was just weird. 

"Is that Mech-X4 burning up on re-entry?" Harper says referring to the ball of fire slowly disappearing as it enters the earth's atmosphere. "I uh- I can't believe you did that."

"Yeah and lets keep in mind that he had to do that because we had to come back for you." I reminded him.

"So try to be worth it okay?" Spyder adds.

"You know what Spyder. I will." Harper answers. "And I'll start by trying to figure out how to get us all home."

"Wait try?" 

"Yeah I have no idea." Harper sighs before walking out of the room. 


"Hey, you okay?" I asked turning back to Ryan.

"I can't feel the connection to the robot anymore. Its just strange, its like I lost a friend." He answered.

"It doesn't feel real. It was like a second home to us." Harris adds. 

"I used to think Mech-X4 was just some cool weapon, or a battle suit." Mark says. "But it was more than that. Right?"

"Yeah, before Mech-X4 I was just a moody loner." Veracity laughs. "Harris was a hyper competitive weirdo, Spyder was destined to clean toilets at a series of fast food restaurants. Mark had already peaked."

"Ryan would have probably just watched me walk by in the hallways for the entire school year." I added on.

"Yeah I probably would have never talked to you either." Veracity agrees, "Ryan was practically invisible."

"Is this going anywhere?" Ryan asks. 

"Yeah its all the things I would have wrote in yearbook if the robot hadn't brought us together." Veracity explains. "Guys the robot, didn't just save the world. It kinda save us to." 

"Saved me thats for sure." I agreed. "Without the robot I probably would have left Bay City by now, and never met you guys."

"Yeah, I'm going to miss it." Ryan sighs. 

"Aren't we all." I replied. "Hey Veracity you gotta promise you're going to stick around even though the robot gone."

"Oh you have to put up with me for at least a year. My application for the London Science Academy is pushed to next year." She answers. "Besides I don't really have a choice now." She answers. That left all of us confused. 

"What does that mean?" I asked. 

"Can I say it now?" Spyder says smiling at her. "Please, please, please!"

"Fine, go for it." Veracity shrugs. 

"Yay! Okay, so we have a proposition for the two of you." Spyder says looking at me and Ryan. "The first thing we do when we get back to earth, we think the four of us should go on a double date." Harris looked as he'd pass out, Mark was shocked, Ryans jaw dropped with a shocked smile, I don't even know what my face looked like but I was over the moon excited. 

"I swear if you two are playing with me." I asked. Veracity shook her head no. "Ha, I told you, I told you, and I surely told you!" I went down the line from Ryan, to Mark, ending with Harris. "Okay who asked who out I gotta know."

"I think it was more of a mutual agreement." Veracity answers.

"Ah, even better!" I said happily.

"Hey you guys I think I found a way home!" We heard Harper call from down the hall.

"Well lets go!" I said grabbing Ryan by his hand shoving everyone else out of the room.

 I couldn't wait to get home. Life was finally back to normal.

Stuck - Ryan Walker - (+SpyderxVeracity) Mech-X4 Season 2Where stories live. Discover now