"Yeah. Dragged me out of the comfort of my bed and shoved a rake into my hands. Can you believe it? And I'm not getting paid as well, not cool mom," he said. Lisa popped her head out from the side of the building to interrupt his complaining. "And why should you get paid? I think it's time you helped just a little bit. Then you can go back to your room. Ahora, date prisa!"

"Si mamá! I'll talk to you later Y/n, see ya," and with that he went back to work and I continued on. The town was next to empty as I passed by deserted stores and food stops. I mean even for a Friday evening there was no one out here. A feeling of uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach and I decided to hurry up with my shopping so I could head back home.

When I got back, Larry was no longer outside. The yard was cleaned up of all the leaves and you could actually see the dead grass again. I actually prefer when the leaves are lying all around. It makes the world a bit more colorful especially since we'll have little sunlight for the next 6 months. Even though I consider myself to be nocturnal at this point, I've always craved the feeling of sunlight on the skin.

Finally I made it back and made sure to lock the doors behind me. Sure I might be inside now but that feeling still lingered inside me. Rob was currently out so I was home alone and that did not help my uneasiness. I shot a quick text to Larry asking him to come over only for him to say that he and his mom went out for a bit. I quickly replied and then found Sal's contact and texted him as well. Fortunately he was available and said he was on his way.

With a sigh of relief I placed my phone on the table and started to unpack everything I had gotten. My costume inspiration was Beetlejuice since I had fallen in love with that movie and his character. I had the outfit already so all I needed was the makeup. I'll ask Ash about that later. While at the store I decided to also pick up some decorations for the house. The apartment was bare beyond belief and needed some type of sign that people lived here. The only rooms that had any character were my room and Rob's, both decked out on posters and other miscellaneous things.

Since Sal was on his way over, I could use his help in decorating and make it a fun little hangout. Minutes later when I was in the middle of taking my pills, because I finally got the water that I needed from earlier, someone knocked on the door. I placed the cap back on the water bottle and walked over, opening it to reveal Sal looking rather disheveled. "Before you say anything, I had just woken up from a nap when you texted me."

He had on a loose fitted graphic tee and some basketball shorts along with socks that had pizzas on them. The bottom strap of his mask was unclipped and his hair was down, messily resting just below his exposed collar bone. At first glance Sal has a lot of striking features. There's the most obvious one, his mask, but then there were littler things such as his eyes. They were hella blue and kinda scary, but at the same time they were beautiful and I couldnt help but stare. He had electric blue hair to match that he'd place in pigtails everyday. But on rare occasions, so like today, he'd wear it down and that made a major difference in his appearcen; a good one.

In all honesty, I always thought Sal was attractive despite how people normally look at him. The mask and pigtails isn't what you'd first expect but looks kinda slip away from view when there are other attributes to focus on. Other things about him that were way more important than the way he looks; even though I just can't seem to stop the need to look at him. I think I have a problem.

"Yeah, I can tell... Bed head." He made a dramatic gesture of slapping his arm over his heart and pretended to faint from my words. He even slid down the wall and everything. "You're so mean to me, Y/n. What have I ever done to you?" He whined, still sitting on the floor. "Well currently you're embarrassing me, get up!" I yanked him from the floor and dragged him inside then closed the door behind us both.

Us In the Dark || S. FisherWhere stories live. Discover now