Chapter 7

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I didn't mean for this update to take so long 💀
But take a long ass chapter as an apology

"Y/n! From the looks of it, you might be able to get discharged soon!"


"Aren't you excited? You can see everyone again!"

"Not everyone..."

"You're still on that? Look Y/n, the people who you think you know are dead. Your family is dead, Larry is dead, Sal is dead, everyone else is dead. Got that?"


"Maybe we'll have to keep you longer than we thought... Hold still."

/ / / / /

Throughout history and in the media, horrible things tend to occur on Halloween night. I mean from the famous movie franchise, to people's candy getting drugged, to one of my favorite horror stories, there seemed to be a never ending pattern. I remember in this story, a son with a well known record of mental illnesses killed and decapitated his mother on Halloween night then proceeded to use her body and severed head as decorations. Twisted, right?

People all over town loved it since they thought it was extremely realistic. But then there was one person whose curiosity ended up revealing the terrifying truth. Upon closer inspection, they realized the body and head were infact real and screamed alerting people passing by. They called the police to have the son arrested but the son had other plans. He took off running making the police chase after him until they all reached the nearby traintracks. And right before he was caught, he jumped in front of a moving train, ending his life right before the police's eyes.

It's cases like this and much more that have me so invested with the human brain and how it works. Maybe then I can learn to understand the depths of my own mind and figure out what the hell is wrong with me. Or... I can just convince myself that I'm the sane one and that it's the rest of the world that's crazy, not me. If I can force myself to truly believe that, I just might be okay.

"Where's my water?"

I placed my afternoon medication in my pocket and left my room to grab some water. I've never been able to down pills dry and always had to take water along with them. As I entered the kitchen my phone buzzed; someone texted. I checked and found it was from Sal asking about Halloween this year. He and Larry wanted the group to go trick-or-treating since it would be the last halloween we got to spend as kids. They had a point. Since next year would be our senior year, we knew the whole getting ready for college thing would overlap into holidays.

I sent a quick reply and continued searching for bottled water while I started to gather my things to head out. I realized that Halloween was tomorrow night and I still didn't have a costume ready so I had to do some last minute shopping. When I left, Larry was outside raking up fallen leaves into piles. I resisted the urge to jump in them and make an even bigger mess of the yard. "Hey Larry! Lisa put you up to work now, huh?"

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