I felt the blood drain from my face and my hands became clammy.

"Y/n wherever you are please be safe." I prayed under my breath. I knew this was it.

It was the Kraken.

It's slimy arms slithered up the sides of the ship as men hastily grabbed weapons. There was next to no damage done to the beast however as it grabbed sailor after sailor from the deck, pulling them down to the depths. Suddenly a tentacle destroyed the bottom of the mast I was on. As it fell I jumped, trying to grab hold of the sail in front of me but I only fell. I dug a blade into the fabric, trying to slow the fall to an extent. I slid down the mast, catching a rope once more.

I held my blade between my teeth as I heaved myself up onto the wooden beam of a mast. As I managed to get back to my feet, a tentacle began to reach for me. I pulled out my sword and began to swing at it. The blade stabbed into its flesh and it pulled away from me back down to the deck.

A large growl filled my ears as I looked up to see two tentacles larger than the rest emerge from the sea. They came straight up out of the water before crashing forward onto the ship. They almost sliced right through the ship, tearing it in two upon impact. I struggled to keep my balance on the back mast as the tentacles dragged down both pieces of of the ship. I could barely hear my thoughts over the screams of drowning men below.

A tentacle snapped the middle of the mast I was on. Shit. I jumped from the falling sail, diving into the sea ahead of it. From below the waves I caught a glimpse of the kraken. The salt water stung at my eyes as I stared at the huge beast for a mere second before hastily swimming back to the surface. I gasped for air as I swum onto a floating deck of wood.

But the relief didn't last long as the Dutchman sailed up from behind me.


I dove beneath the waves once more, swimming towards the ship. I gripped onto the side, the wood slick with water and algae. The barnacles left small cuts in my palms and on my fingers. I slowly climbed up the side, peeking onto the deck.

"What do we do with the survivors?" A crew mate asked as he and Jones walked towards a line of men kneeling, exactly how it was when I first arrived on the Dutchman.

"There are no survivors." Jones spat and walked away.

Each man was executed immediately. I turned away as the blades came down upon them.

Suddenly, Jones stopped in his tracks. I ducked, praying I hadn't been found. I heard his footsteps grow closer and closer to where I was before they stopped.

"The chest is no longer safe. Chart a course to Isla Cruces. Get me there first or there'll be the devil to pay." He ordered his men.

"First?" One of them questioned.

"Who sent that thieving charlatan onto my ship? Who told him of the key? Jack Sparrow."

I climbed down the ship to where it's mighty mouth was, the jaws at the front. I climbed into the open mouth and sat down.

Was I ever getting back to her?

Y/n's POV:

I held onto the rope net as I leaned out over the sea, the dark sails of the ship behind me. I pulled out my telescope, looking out to the horizon.


Where are you?

"Brave the fore yard!" I head Gibbs call from below.

I climbed down the ropes, landing on the hollow flooring of the deck. I missed solid ground if I was being completely honest. I walked to the edge of the ship, leaning on the bannister. I wished he was here. More than anything.

"It's a curious thing, what love can do to someone." Norrington walked up beside me. "Funny, family used to be a priority of yours." This was the first time we'd spoken since I left with Will. So far, he'd kept his distance from me on the ship and I'd done the same.

"Yeah well, I don't seem to recall you reaching out after my parents died. You left me on my own. Got a prestigious position and didn't offer to help when most days I couldn't eat." I didn't look at him once. My gaze stayed fixated on the waves.

"That's true and for that I do apologize. Although I find it odd you haven't asked how Will ended up staying on the Dutchman." He said, walking a bit away from me.

"What are you talking about?"

He shook his head before walking off. He didn't mean anything by it, he was trying to get in my head.

But by god, it was working.

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