Chapter 8

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Idk maybe I'm excited to be back but here's two chapters in the same day after 2 years. Ur welcome, enjoy <3

Also please vote and comment! It helps a lot :)

"That's the Flying Dutchman?" Will yelled over the storm. We'd been sailing just over a day before the weather turned on us. The rain pelted us, chilling us all to the bone as the waves thrashed about around the ship. The famous Flying Dutchman appeared to be no more than a wrecked ship that had been unlucky enough to hit the rocks. "She doesn't look like much."

"Neither do you." Jack said.


Jack rolled his eyes at me. "All I'm saying is, don't underestimate her. So what's your plan then?"

"I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key." Will said, raising his voice over the rain.

"And if there are crewmen?"

"I cut down anyone in my path." Will walked away from Jack and towards me.

"Will," I said as he approached.

"What is it love?" I wasn't sure. Something seemed off. But when he took my hand, it happened again.

A melody played on an organ-

The beat of a heart-

The key falling beneath the waves-

My hand drifting farther and farther from Will's-

I awoke lying on the deck, my head pounding. Worried faces crowded above me as I tried to adjust to my surroundings.

"What-" I looked around, my head spinning. I shut my eyes tightly before opening them again, this time focusing on Will's face.

"Are you alright?" He said, panic seeping into his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine- what happened?"

"You fainted. Only for about a minute."

Oh. "Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Maybe I should tell him about what I'm seeing.

"Are you sure Y/n? If something's wrong-"

"I'm okay. I promise." Fucking liar. I wrapped my arms around him as he helped me up, soaking up a bit of his body heat as we embraced. Everyone else went back to what they had previously been doing.

"Will, I'm scared for you. I don't think this is going to go the way you planned." I said hushed, his hand stoking my hair.

"Why do you say that?"

"I have a feeling. I don't think I'll see you again if you go. I can't lose you-"

"You're not going to lose me, okay?" He pulled away a bit, cupping my face as he lifted it up to his. I let myself sink into his eyes a bit, calming only slightly. How I loved his eyes.

"You don't know that- I can't be sure-"

He kissed me, his warms lips pressing against mine. And for just a few seconds, my worries we're gone. The storm seemed to calm, the night seemed to quiet. It all came back the moment he pulled away. "I'm going to see you in an hour, okay? On this ship when I'm back and I'll kiss you a hundred times." He wrapped his arms around me once more. "I'll be back before you know I'm gone, my love. He kissed the top of my head and walked away from me. I couldn't bring myself to move.

I couldn't shake the feeling I knew something bad was about to happen. And I was helpless to stop it.

I turned to watch as his boat rowed towards the Dutchman, barely noticing as every lamp on our ship was doused.

And then suddenly the boat launched out of the water and back onto the waves. "Will-" I whispered. A bolt of lightning pierced the sky. "Will!" I screamed and began to run to the edge of the boat. "Will-" I screamed once more, only to be cut off by a cloth pressed against my face. Arms held me in place as I tried to scream for the man I loved once more, but the world fell out from under me.

Will's POV:

When I came to, I was tied up and forced on my knees. As I registered my surroundings and recalled how I ended up here, I thought of Y/n. I looked around frantic for her. She wasn't here. This wasn't our ship. This was the Dutchman. Undead sailors made of various sea creatures roamed the deck around me, dragging their swords across the decaying planks. Beside me were more men, shaking with fear. My breathing became shallow; panicked. I heard a thumping from the end of the ship. And there he was. A man, if you could even call him that, who I immediately registered as Davey Jones.

From his captain's hat hung seaweed and algae. His face, so covered in tentacles you could barely even tell he was once human. He had a peg leg and a long jacket, the fabric falling apart.

"Five men still alive. The rest have moved on." A sailor next to him said, his face resembling a hammerhead shark. I felt my hands become clammy. I kept my gaze down as Jones hobbled past me, his one claw slowly opening and snapping shut. He stopped 2 men away from me, bending down in front of him. He held up a candle and a pipe, lighting it before breathing smoke into the man's face as he said, "Do you fear death?" He blew out the candle. The man whimpered, nodding his head. "Do you fear that dark abyss?" Jones continued, "All your deeds laid bare, all your sins punished. I can offer you an escape." Not an escape; a prison in a different form. I've heard the stories; the rumours. They were true, I now knew.

"Don't listen to him!" Another man further from me yelled, the rosary in his hand shaking violently as Jones made his way over to him. He thrust his claw around the man's neck and asked, "Do you not fear death?" One of his tentacles took the pipe from his mouth.

"I'll take my chances sir." The man said, his voice trembling.

Jones removed his grip. "To the depths." He ordered and a sailor slit the man's throat. I turned away, trying not to heave out my guts as the man was thrown overboard.

I clenched my jaw. Y/n. Was she alright? I needed to get back to her, I promised I'd come back to her-

"Cruel blackguard!" Another man yelled.

"Life is cruel" Jones snarled as he walked by. "Why should the afterlife be any different? I offer you a choice." His gaze returned to the man he was initially speaking to. "Join my crew and postpone the judgement. One hundred years before the mast. Will ye serve?"

The man frantically nodded. "I will serve."

"There!" Jones exclaimed.

And that's when he stopped in front of me. He stared me down for a second and I averted my gaze. "You are neither dead nor dying! What is your purpose here?" He said, anger permeating his voice.

I tried to calm down enough to form a sentence. "Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt." I said as Jack had told me to, my eyes still on the ground.

Jones looked taken aback. "What is your purpose here?"

I repeated myself, this time looking him in the eye.

Jones laughed. "Did he, now? I'm sorely tempted to accept that offer." Jones rose to his full height and turned to face Jack's ship.

Y/n was on that ship.

A split second later, Jones had disappeared.


Get back to Y/n.

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