Chapter 11

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Will's POV:

That night I knew I had to leave. I needed to get the key and get back to Y/n. So my father and I made a plan.

"Captain says I'm to relieve you." He said to the man at the wheel as we snuck above deck. "Captain's orders."

As soon as the other sailor was gone, I quickly snuck to the Captain's Quarters of the ship. I slowly creaked open the door, being as light on my feet as I could. I snuck into Jones' room, the majority of it made up of the organ he played day in and day out. He was asleep in front of it, his breaths heavy. I crept close enough to hear him snoring. I reached for a feather and a pen, using them to softly move his tentacles away until I found the one holding the key. Breathing in, I tried to steady my hands as I slowly uncoiled the tentacle and replaced the key with the pen, dropping it into my hands. I snuck out again just as quietly.

My father had lowered a row boat for me by the time I made it back to the main deck. "Here, take this too." He handed me a blade in a leather pouch. "Now get yourself to land and stay there. It was always in my blood to die at sea. It was not a fate I ever wanted for you."

"It's not a fate you had to choose for yourself either."

"Aye. I could say I did what I had to, when I left you to go pirating. But it would taste a lie to say it wasn't what I wanted."

So he wanted to leave then.

"You owe me nothing, Will." He continued, "Now go."

"They'll know you helped me."

He chuckled. "What more can they do to me?"

I didn't want to leave him here but he was right. I owed him nothing. But I wasn't going to be like him. Instead I raised the blade in my hand. "I take this with a promise." I said, "I'll find a way to sever Jones' hold on you and not rest until this blade pierces his heart. I will not abandon you. I promise."

I stayed only a moment more before walking past him and climbing down into the boat.


I was so close to seeing the woman I loved again.

"Strange thing to come upon a longboat so far out in open waters..." the captain of the ship I was currently on said to me.

They had rescued me from my rowboat just half an hour prior. I had a blanket over my shoulders and a warm drink in hand.

"Just put as many leagues behind us as you can, as fast as you can."

"And what are we running from?"

I pulled the blanket closer to me. Suddenly, a man from above deck hurried down the staircase. "Captain! A ship's been spotted."

"Colours?" He demanded.

"She isn't flying any."

The captain turned to me. "Pirates."

"Or worse." I said, moving briskly up the stairs to above deck.

I climbed up onto the ropes, trying to get a better view. I climbed up the net, all the way to the top mast.


The Dutchman. "I've doomed us all." I spoke under my breath.

Suddenly, a large bang came from under the waves, rocking the ship. I was jolted off where I had been standing. I fell about three feet before I caught hold of a rope. I pulled myself back up as shouts of about thirty worried men rang out on the deck.

"Free the rudder!"

"Hard to port!"

A tentacle came up out of the water.

Swelling Tides- Will Turner x Reader book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat