chapter one

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Lord Vaati was walking through the streets of Hyrule as his morning normally started. It was a rather nice morning to be exact. Not too hot, not too cold. It was perfect walking weather. The didn't feel stuffy at all as it would during midday. It was so clear that if someone took a breath the persons lungs would be filled with fresh air. Vaati was on his way to find something fresh to eat for breakfast some thing like fruit perhaps. All of sudden he heard crying. A babies crying to be exact. At first the mage thought it was one of the babies crying in its mothers arms two buildings down so he ignored it. Then the crying continued for three minutes. Vaati looked back at the building to see no one there. He decided to investigate and follow the cries. The cries lead him into an ally way where he saw a black ball with a tail that seemed to glow laying on the ground. An entity. Vaati gently scooped the entity up in his hands.
"Poor little thing." he said. "You're not done being made yet."
The entity continued cry. It soon began to scream.
"Shhhh." Vaati gently rubbed the entity and chuckled. "You sure have a set of lungs there.But you need more than lungs in your life. Lets see, you need a head."
Vaati snapped his fingers. A head replaced the small black ball.
"You definitely need a body. "
With another snap of his fingers a neck and body appeared underneath the head. The body was soft and slightly chubby. Just like all baby bodies are meant to be.
"And a nose." Vaati said before poking the middle of the baby's face. After the nose appeared Vaati gave the baby a mouth along with a pair of blue eyes. And ears. Can't forget the ears. He rubbed the top of the babies head giving him a full head of dark purple hair.
"There now. You're all better now aren't you? "
The baby looked up at Vaati as tears formed in his eyes. His stomach growled and he kicked his legs. He began to sob and opened his mouth to scream.
"Oh hush now." Vaati said as he teleported them to his house. "You'll get your food soon dearest child. "
Luckily when you're a magic being you don't have to spend money on formula. You can just make it appear. Which is what Vaati did. The baby kept crying before Vaati put the bottle up to the baby's lips. The baby boy soon took it when he found it with his mouth.
"You little peanut. "Vaati giggled.
When the baby almost finished the bottle he coughed. He soon began to cry again. Vaati took the bottle out of his mouth, grabbed a blanket, leaned the baby against his shoulder, and patted his back.
"You drank to fast little bug. You can't do that. " he spoke in a soft voice.
After the baby burped, Vaati slowly rocked him back and forth. The boy sobbed once again. Vaati smirked at him as he began to softly sing.
"Baby mine don't you cry. Baby mine dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part. Baby of mine. "
The boy soon fell asleep as Vaati continued to rock him. Vaati wondered why he was abandoned like that. Especially in an ally way. Shadow creatures are born from flowers. They are mixed with the blood of their parent and the blood of their light half. But when Vaati found him he had no parent blood in him. Only the blood of his lighter half. He could tell this by the fact that the blood of light creatures is brighter than dark creatures. So Vaati gave him his blood so he wouldn't he premature. Thankfully he was saved just in time. From this day forward, this baby was to be a Prince and will be treated like one. Now he had to think of a name for this child. Prince Shadow Link sounds perfect. Prince of the shadow realm where as Vaati is the Lord. Prince Shadow Dakota Winters.
Three years later Shadow became an adventurous free spirit who gotten into things. Crayons went up one shelf higher. Toys were everywhere. He had just mastered potty training. Little Shadow was in the neighbors living room playing with his friend Lee. Lee was two years older than him. He had blue eyes and blue hair. He was born with glowing tattoos. Everyone in his race was. Shadow found them pretty cool and wanted them to.
"Daddy I don't want to play outside." said Shadow.
"Why not? I thought you loved to be outside."
Shadow looked nervous. He was afraid of the people out there. Children would pick on him for being a shadow creature.He was the Prince but the other children found him to be weird for what he was.He looked different from them. He acted different from them. He was considered a freak. Vaati knew what was wrong from the look on his face.
"Little one when you play," Vaati began. "don't you mind what they say."
Shadows eyes were glossy with tears. It was hard to ignore what they say. He would hide when the other kids were outside. He did like four blonde kids. Maybe he'd play with them today. Vaati gave him a soft smile.
"Let those eyes sparkle and shine." Vaati said wiping the tears away."Never a tear baby mine."
Shadow smiled and ran outside with Leroy. He ran over to the blonde boys houses. They gladly played with him. They knew that Shadow was constantly being picked on for being part of the darkness. They didn't understand why. It didn't seem fair. The boys liked Shadows friend to. Shadow learned the names of the boys to. Blue, Red, Green, and Violet. Vio for short. They were like a rainbow. The boys were playing cops and robbers when Greens mother stormed out the door.
"Green I have told you not to play with what isn't our kind! "
"Why can't I mom?" Green asked.
"Because he's not our kind!" she turned to Shadow. "GET OUT! Stay away from us! And get off of my flowers! God! Do you have any idea how hard it was to make my garden look nice?! Damn kid! "
Shadow didn't realize he stepped on a flower. He took his foot off and grabbed it with his hands. Shadow straightened the flower out with his hands. When he thought it was perfect he turned back to the lady with a sheepish smile.
"I fixed it miss. It's all better now. "
The women huffed. "I'm calling your father. "
"No! " Shadow panicked. "Don't call daddy! "
"Too late. " The women said dialing the phone.
Dial tone was all she heard. She cussed to herself and she redialed the phone. Nothing.
"SON OF A BITCH !" she yelled slamming the phone down.
"What's so important that you had to call me in a fit of rage? " Vaati asked.
"What the hell?!"
Greens mother turned to see Vaati sitting at her table.
"Your son. .."
"Didn't do a damn thing wrong! He stepped on a flower oh boo hoo cry me a river. build a bridge, and get over it!"
"How dare you speak to me that way! "
"How dare you speak to me that way?! To think you'd have respect for your lord! "
"Oh I have respect for you Lord Vaati. Your son on the other hand..."
"Is an angel who didn't do a thing wrong. "
"Yes he did. "
"I don't want to hear it. This discussion is over. "
Vaati exited the house and picked up his son. Before the women could say anything else Vaati warped back to the castle. He rubbed his sons back to calm him down.
"You didn't do anything wrong honey. " he said softly. "She was a just a bitch. "
"Everyone's a bitch." Shadow replied.
"Language. " Vaati warned.
"How come you can say it but I can't? "
" .....I don't know. I guess there are words children can't say."
"I don't want to be a kid anymore. I wanna be strong like you."
"You are a strong man. " Vaati stroked Shadows hair. "Trust me you'll want to be a kid again when you're older. "
"Daddy why do they hate me?"
"They just don't know you. "
Shadow looked puzzled. "How do I make them know me. "
"Just be they way you are. So many people are closed minded. Close minded people are stupid. But if they knew sweet little you they'd end up loving you to. "
"I'm not little!"
Vaati laughed. "Yes you are. You're little and mighty. "
"Rawwwrrrrrr! " Shadow roared.
Vaati laughed harder. "Oh what they'd give for the right to hold you."
"Huh? "Shadow tilted his head.
"All those people who scold you. What they'd give just for the right to hold you."
Vaati lifted Shadow over his head. "You know, from your head down to your toes you're not much goodness no. "
"Is that a bad thing? "
"No. " Vaati kissed Shadows head. "You're so precious to me.Cute as can be. Baby mine. "
He gently rocked his small boy back and forth. Shadow felt his eye lids getting heavier as he fought sleeping. Vaati began to hum a soothing tune as he rocked him back and forth. A smile formed upon the dark lords face.
"Baby mine. "
He looked down to see his three year old child resting peacefully in his arms. However instead of laying the child down upon his bed, he held his son closer in a warm embrace. He carried the boy to his own room where laid him down on his bed. Vaati told his servants not to go into the dark lords chamber for he and his son will be resting for a few hours. Afterwards he locked the door before laying down next to his son cuddling him. He decided that they both needed a nap after a long stressful day. But after Vaati sang to Shadow those moments of stress disppeared. Vaati laid a kiss upon shadows forehead.
"I love you baby mine. "
Vaati then difted off to sleep holding his son close to his heart never to part.

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