𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞, 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙮 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙢𝙚

Start from the beginning

She huffs, grabbing the hem of her sweatshirt and lifting it. She's wearing a L.A.P.D. bullet proof vest under her clothes. "I guess we think alike." Dewey stands, speechless behind to two.

"Mother's dead. There's nothing you can do about that." A beat. "At least I still got to make my movie."

"Stab 3, right?" Abruptly, she slams her raised knife into his chest, poking right through the vest and into his heart.

Gale and Kim near, leaning on one another. "Kincaid!" Gale gasps, spotting the fallen detective bleeding out onto the hard wood floor. That's when she sees her other friends, her jaw falling open. "Roman? It was Roman?"

Sidney stands, patting the dirt off her knees. "Careful, Sid," Dewey places a hand on her shoulder. "Randy said the killer is always superhuman."

Sidney scoffs, "well he wasn't superhuman. He wasn't superhuman at all." She moves toward Kimberly, grabbing ahold of her wrists apologetically. "Are you alright?" She asks.

"Stu. . ."

Sidney's face falls. "Is he—"

Kim screams, because Roman has jumped up, his knife raised in the air. "You can't fucking kill me!"

Dewey whips his gun out, firing four consistent shots through his chest. "Head, Dewey! Head!" Dewey clearly doesn't hear her, because he's still shooting at Roman's chest and he still keeps coming back. Sidney reaches forward and pulls on his sleeve. "Dewey! Shoot him in the head."

She releases him, allowing to re-aim. and this time, Roman falls to the ground. For good.

Kim wiggles from Sid's grasp, rushing forward and twisting behind the couch. He's still right where she left him, and he looks uneasily still. She falls, her knees hitting the ground beside him. Her hands quickly find sanction at either side of his face, peering down at him with blurred vision. "Stu. . ."

He's breathing ever so faintly, and she can barely see the rise and fall of his chest anymore. "Kimmy, darling." He whispers.

Now, Dewey is running to her side, gasping as he sees the sight laid out in front of him. "Holy shit, when did he get here?"

Kimberly whips around to look at him, her hands sliding from Stu's face and down to his neck. "Dewey, do something! Get help, something, please!" She's sobbing, and her words are just barely audible.

Dewey doesn't waste another second in doing as he's told. He whips around, dashing through the halls. He's on his way to Kincaid's car to call for help. Stu reaches up and grabs ahold of her wrist, his eyelids just barely fighting to stay open.

"Stay with me, please, just—" She sobs, unable to continue for a moment, "please stay with me."

Stu smiles very faintly, his pearly white teeth shining, making the scarlet on his face pop. "I'm never going to leave you, Kimmy."

This much was true, even after the day he died, which inconviently, could be quite soon, he would always be by her side. This boy had absolutely no intentions of leaving her without him.

Kim's pacing back and forth between her closet and the suitcase on her bed. She's piling all of her clothes into the big slot, and she can feel the tears start to threaten to dip from her eyes as she does so. It physically hurts to be in this room without him in it. She looks over to the bedside drawer.

Biting her lip, Kim moves a little towards it, touching the handle before pausing for a moment. Then, she opens the shelf up, where she finds just what she was intending to find. It's a big, brown, leather photo album. Attached to the front with tape, is a square and white rimmed polaroid of herself and Stu. It's from not too long after the events of Windsor college. The couple is occupying the couch, and Stu's holding up the camera in front of them to snap them both in the picture. Kim's arms are hung loosely around his neck from behind him, her old ace scrunched up to pose.

Here the waterworks come. She's staring down at the photo, her vision becoming blurry. She feels as though she's forgotten how to breathe.

A knock sounds from the doorway. It's Bully, leaning against the doorway with his hands shoved into his pockets. "You okay?"

Kim licks the salt from her lips, sniffing. "I don't really know yet." She swallows, attempting to clear her throat.

Billy steps into the room a little more, slipping his hands out of his pockets and crossing his arms as he lingers towards her. "I still don't think this is a good idea." He sighs, gesturing to the opener suitcase laying out.

Kimberly tosses her handful of sweaters into the case, breathing outward. She's silent for a moment before she's opened her mouth. "Billy, I don't hate you," he smiles. "But I can't stay here."

HIs smile slowly disenigrates. "Kimmy, I could protect you."

Kim swallows, reaching forward and throwing her suitcase closed. She squeezes her eyes shut, grabbing ahold of the zipper and tugging on it. "Promise to be safe?"

Billy sighs in defeat, he knows his place in this scenario. "Only if you do."

Kim uses the pad of her thumb to wipe the falling tears from the rim of her eyelids. "I'm gonna miss you."

Billy holds his arms out, allowing her to place herself carefully between them. They linger against each other momentarily before Kimberly finally pulls out of his grip. "I won't." Billy scoffs, but Kim's almost sure he can see one singular tear threaten to slip away from him.

"After all we've been through, you're still going to sit here and lie to my face?" For the first time innearly two weeks, Kim cracks a pearly smile. Billy turns away while rolling his eyes, but he's really just trying to hide the fact that he's smiling too.

Kim grabs ahold of her suitcase, pulling it from the bed and letting it land upright on the floor. Silently, the rolls it over the threshold. She turns just before stepping out of the doorway, tossing one last glance at Billy, one last glance at the room she's shared with her person for the last four years. One last look at everything in her past that's ever held her back, or ever helped her move froward.

Then she silently steps out, and then out the front door where Dewey's waiting for her to help put her things in the car. He grabs the case from her. She stands in front of her car door, taking in the entirety of the property, because this is the last time she'll ever see it. This is goodbye.


also am i fucking insane for making the very last chap a cliffhanger??? yeah. but don't worry all will be revealed(or will it🤔)

guys i'm actually in awe i cant believe of trilogy is over ://

i'm gonna miss this cute lil dynamic bc book 4 is going to be a little different aesthetic and style wise. BUT DONT YOU WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD BC KIMMY WILL MAKE HER BIG RETURN #trust

anyways drop a vote so i can have motivation to actually write book 4 instead of js planning it out in my notes app😬

ilysm guys and this og trilogy has been so fun to write and interact with you guys❤️❤️❤️

till our next communion little lovies 🫡

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