02: Emperor and Crown Prince

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3 weeks have passed and Mint stays to be lazy. Many of the servants in the main house wondering why their Heiress is lazying around and ignoring her Father's summon.

She's just there, loving the scent of her bed and the light that shines so brightly everyday. She did not fathom of this view since she was seven years old. Her young self is so innocent. I hope this day will also not be a bother.

Just as she thought of this. Footsteps of 8 person are headed to her bedrooms door, knocking.

She sighed and again felt heavy.

"I don't want to go out."

A series of knock she heard of outside and pushed their selves inside Mint's bedroom.

Seeing Mint still laid and stuffed in her bed her Father, Duke Mir sighed out of frustration.

"I know you don't want to be bothered but now is your time to be outside. You said you just need to sleep for a week, not 3 weeks."

Mint got up, facing her Father acting as if she just woke up from her sleep. Yawning.

"Good Morning, Father."
"Though it isn't for me." Mint thought.

Mint did not even give a glance while saying those words. She acted half asleep and goes back to her bed.

Duke Mir sighed out of frustration causing of her daughter's stubbornness. He signalled the butler to open the curtains.

Mint groan from the sight of blinding light coming from the window. She did not expect it to be this bright outside because she stayed inside the bedroom for 3 weeks.

"What is it Father that you even came here yourself?" Mint said smudging her eyes to adjust from the light.

"We have an important visitor today. You should be present for today's event. Ready yourself. I don't take NO for an answer. After this you can go back to sleep."

Is what Duke Mir said leaving her daughter wondering who is these important guest or rather who are those important guests.

Mint just moved according to her Father's command and starts to ready herself.

In the midst of heating mountain, a certain carriage travels from the empire to the Main House of Moriett.

These carriage was accommodated with 50 soldiers from the empire, known as Knights of Lions.

The carriage was carried the Emperor himself and his Crowned Prince.

Emperor Luc Leones is busy having a conversation with his child, Crowned Prince Lui Leones.

The empire is known to worship the god of the sky, Zeus. And the Emperor's Family having the ability of the sky from centuries of leadership.

"Imperial Father, I don't understand why we should go to their house instead of them going to the palace?"

Lui didn't get it and asked his Father instead.

"Did you not read history, Lui?" Emperor Lux read his sons face.

"I did." Lui.

"Then you should have known what is the answer to your question just now." Emperor.

Seeing that Lui doesn't get it. The Emperor expressed his thoughts.

"I and Mir shared good kinship since we were young. We grow as friends not rivals and were a company for each other."

Emperor Lux added. "I value camaraderie rather than ranks and titles."

The Emperor slightly smiled reminiscing their younger selves while doing pranks and enjoying their freedom.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 22, 2023 ⏰

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