01: Entrance

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In my remaining days here in the manor specifically owned by my family, the Moriett, nakahiga na lang ako palagi. I always feel drowsy and lazy to wake up everyday.

Feeling I have nothing to gain if I wake up and simply stare at the balcony or even walking in the garden.

Just keeping my mind at ease and not thinking of anything is what I think the best for my condition.

A loud knock rang with in the walls of my bedroom.

"Mint, mint! Open the door!"

Her strength never fails to amaze me.
A normal people would definitely cannot win a fight with this lady in muscles.

I don't mind if she break the door. They should just mind their own businesses and forget about me here in my bedroom.

This will be my last week here and I will soon be brought back to the main house to acknowledge me as the heir of House Moriett.

The door bring a loud sound of thud and seeing the suspect glaring at me, amuse me the most. Who would have a right mind glaring at me, the sole heir of House Moriett. The one that they are serving with all their life.

Mili, my assigned maid within my 7 years of living in this manor. She see me grow and assist me with all the things that I should learn.

She's a lowly being but a high intellectual assistant. It's just the world that isn't fair and is mobilizing unfairness. If she just born with a strong household. Her abilities will not be unrecognized.

"Wake up! Do not just lay there the whole day!"

She has a small body, I would like to break it.

I smile at her, still holding my fluffy pillow and blanket. I acted to snore yet I felt that it will not going to work at her anymore.

"My lady."

I sit up. That's what I am waiting. To be called My lady. Seems like she forgets it everyday. Not calling me with honorifics when I hold the most of the manor right now.

I stare at her coldly. After a while of silence. She seems to know what her mistake is and bowed at me. She is intelligent but It's a disappointment to see she's slow on this.

"The lunch is ready, My lady. You did not even have a breakfast. Please, have your lunch now."

She bowed again. Sending me her deepest regrets on not giving respect earlier.

I nod. I don't want to be bothered again after this.

Five maids including Mili followed me behind while I'm in front. They already place my lunch and it seems we have another visitor staying in the manor.

I cannot feel any other presence except us. Maybe they are outside the manor. When Mili seen me staring at another plate she explained quickly.

"The Duke passed by here when he have a security check in one of the town not far from here. He had his breakfast here and he should have his lunch here but it seems he has an urgent matter to attend to so he leave an hour ago."

What a long explanation. I just nod and finished a bit. Don't really have the appetite to eat.

My father, who is the duke of the Empire Leones just passed by. I'm not sulky anymore about this matter. As a matter of fact, I don't really care anything now at all. Just my feeling of childishness fades away over time.

I floated in the air and gone back to my fluffy bed. I dozed and let my self be on slumber.

As Mint give in to slumber a shadow shows itself in side her room. This shadow moved toward Mint with a precious longing eyes.

As it reveals itself it was her Father, Duke Mir Moriett. The 39th Duke from house Moriett.

He knows Mint is very lonely of those 7 years but this is the destiny that every heir of House Moriett needs to accomplish by their own self.

Challenging the role of an Heir and proving their self to be the Heir.

"You cannot have a power if you don't own anything. Accomplish and achieve. Persist and give your all. Sufferings will be rewarded. Achievements will be celebrated. The thing you need to do this all by yourself. Remember, you need to go through all this by your own that will only prove you worth."

He still remembers the words of his Father. Yet he did not even tell this to his own child to encourage her. He disappoint himself and floated outside of the manor.

The day that all of the Family line that belongs to House Moriett gathered in the main house to celebrate and gave a ceremony to acknowledge Mint Moriett as their Heir.

Mint is still in her drowsy state after she came down on the carriage. A red carpet is laid under her feet walking truly like a princess and shielded with an umbrella against the sun.

All of them went silent when she walked in the event hall of her Family House. The music stopped and announced her entrance.

"The entrance of Ms. Mint Moriett. The Heir of House Moriett."

Everyone clapped to rejoice but some of them is bitter towards mint, especially those that are candidates of being an heir. Nothing beats the original lineage of Morietts.

Her Mother and Father is there standing and clapping. Mist Moriett smiled to her daughter proudly.

After 7 years of being away. Her mother did not even age at her looks. Still the same and her actions are still the same. This loving and caring mother of Mint plaster a sincere smile for her only daughter.

"Yes, I missed this so much but not really the current me." Mint.

Mint's Father spoke with his voice ringing in every corner of the house.

"I, The Duke of House Moriett from Empire of Leones, Mir Moriett, the 39th Duke and sword of the Emperor, hereby announce that my sole daughter, Mint Moriett, as the Heir of House Moriett. This will be written on the Household Book and will be hereby starts the journey of the heir forever."

The acknowledgement of the heir ended and everyone rejoice once again. Even outside of the Main House. People are happy seeing the portrait of their Heiress.

The ceremony ended and Mint forwarded to her Mother and Father that she will take a long nap for a week.

They understand Mint and so they give her the chance to relax their daughter after 7 years of facing trials.

Mint just shrugged and felt drowsy once again. Her life now was much more good that her condition before.

"This is the reward for being too good."

I can now breathe and live my own good life, then she fell into her slumber.

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