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There must've been lots of people brought in that night, Pete was still in his cell. He never saw Andy go by though, maybe they let him out. The hunger was starting to get worse. Pete groaned at the aching in his throat. He needed to drink something fast. Usually Patrick would make him drinks that would substitute drinking actual human blood, they seemed to do the trick but they were still being experimented with, Pete was just the guinea pig.

Later, he decided to lay on the floor and maybe try and sleep. Then, there was a sudden burst open of the doors and you could hear people scream. Pete jumped up to see what all the commotion was. It was Patrick, though something seemed off. Patrick sprinted towards Pete's cell, "Come on, I'm getting you out of here." With no hesitation, he let Patrick unlock the cell with the keys he'd grabbed off one of the officers. They ran out of the building and hopped in the black car. There he found Joe and Andy waiting for him.

Pete sighed in relief, he was glad everyone was okay, though he was still concerned about Patrick. His skin seemed paler and maybe his eyes were darker. He couldn't really tell though, he was just so thirsty. They rode in silence for a long time. Joe finally spoke, "They got Patrick." Pete was confused, he turned to Patrick, then looked back at Joe, "They got him? What do you-" Pete turned back to Patrick, he wasn't just seeing things wrong, they had turned Patrick too. "Damnit," Pete said, this wasn't good. "It'll be fine." Patrick said, "I just hope you could maybe help me get used to this whole thing." Pete paused for a second, "it should definitely be easier starting out for you than it was for me" He said with a tone of mocking behind his voice. "Sure, I'll help you out man, you helped me out any way."

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