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(Y/N) = Your Name
(S/T) = Skin tone
(E/C) = Eye color
(H/C) = Hair color


(Y/N) could remember the day they had defeated the Ender Dragon as clearly as day. It was such an exhilarating moment, the blinding rush of defeating that damned dragon. Ellegaard's bright smile as she watched the dragon get precisely hit by each of her arrows, Ivor helping everyone out with his expertly-crafted potions, Soren documenting the whole thing, and of course, Gabriel delivering the final stab that took down the dragon for good. However, above everything else, (Y/N) could vividly remember how loudly Magnus cheered and celebrated the defeat of the dragon, how brightly his eyes glittered when he watched it go down. They could tell it was such a glorius moment for him, the way his mouth hung agape with a smile pulling at his lips. It was a moment that no member of The Order could ever forget. It was the day that everything had changed.

"(Y/N). Helloooo? Earth to (Y/N)?" Ellegaard's voice snapped them out of their trance. "Huh? What's up, Ellie?" They replied, a sheepish smile crossing their face. "We wanna know what you wanna get for lunch." The engineer said. The (old) Order of The Stone was going out for lunch in Beacontown, something they rarely got to do since they were all so busy, even with being retired. "Yes, it is your turn to choose, anyways." Ivor commented, glancing at all the different builds and shops. "Oh, uh, I don't really care. I'm fine with whatever." (Y/N) shrugged, looking back down at the concrete. Soren audibly grumbled and rolled his eyes "I will never understand you, (Y/N)." He said, shaking his head. He never was particularly fond of his teammate's indecisiveness when it came to subjects like food. He never understood how some of the brightest minds couldn't decide what to have for lunch. "Hey, cut 'em some slack, Soren. It's been a long week." Magnus quickly jumped to their defense, flashing his iconic half-grin. "Yes, I suppose it has, for all of us... My apolgies, (Y/N)." The Architect's face contorted into an apolgetic look. "All good, Soren." The other smiled reassuringly.

After a small while of back and forth, everyone had decided on what to get for lunch. While Ivor, Ellegaard, Gabriel, and Soren all had their own conversations, (Y/N) couldn't help but find their gaze flickering to Magnus occasionally, though was quickly moved back to their food as they realized they were staring. Their (S/T) skin was flushing pink, though it wasn't particularly noticeable. They ate their share of food quietly, their mind swept up in a hurricane of thoughts. Lost deep in their own head, (Y/N) thought about the previous year and a half that had been so, so wild. The Ender Dragon, The Wither Storm... everything. It made the terraformer's breath hitch a little as they realized just how much had happened in such a short amount of time. Sure, everything was, for the most part, back to the way it used to be, but the impact of the events still were taking a great toll on (Y/N). They still found themself reminiscing on how good things used to be when The Order of The Stone had originally defeated the Ender Dragon. They still found themself shooting awake in the middle of the night, chest heaving and mind racing from nightmares of the Wither Storm.

After the food was paid for and the group left to head back home. However, Magnus caught (Y/N) before they could start heading home properly. "Hey, (Y/N)!" He called as he caught up to them. "Oh, Magnus, what's up?" The (H/C) architect smiled as they paused, facing the other. "I noticed you were kinda quiet earlier... everything good, man?" He asked, face shifting into a worried frown. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking, you know." They replied with a smile. "Well.. If you ever need somebody to talk to, I'm always just a call away." Magnus reminded them, his expression softening. "Thanks Magnus." (Y/N) responded. "I'll talk to ya later!" They waved goodbye as they continued walking home. "See ya!" The griefer called after them, smiling fondly at them. As Magnus watched (Y/N) disappear around the corner, he felt an odd warmth in his chest, and he gripped his shirt to try and quell it, to get his mind to shut up, but his thoughts only seemed to get louder, and his face turned a pale red shade as he shook his head and made his way back to his own residence.

That night, (Y/N) laid awake in bed, not being able to close their eyes. Their mind was still engrossed and entertaining the thought of what could have happened during the fight with the Wither Storm, when Jesse had crafted the Formidi-bomb (They still kind of found it hillarious how Axel and Magnus' shortening of it was just a euphimism for 'fuck'), and how it was supposed to stop the damned thing... but it only made it worse. If it weren't for Ivor being there when he was and not having a regen potion on hand, Magnus would have died. That thought was enough to scare the living daylights out of (Y/N). Their best friend had almost died that day. It made their breath hitch, and they tried to shove the 'what if's out of their mind, but their futile attempts only seemed to make it worse.

It could have been worse, and that was the scariest part. For all they knew, Magnus could have gotten Wither Sickness, and have been suffering for much longer. He could have been caught in the Storm's tractor beam. Could have, could have, could have. Rolling over onto their side, they glanced at their phone. Magnus' words still rung in their mind:  'if you need somebody to talk to, I'm just a phone call away.' And for a moment, (Y/N) considered taking the griefer up on that offer. However, stealing a glance at their alarm clock, they winced. '1:25 AM' it read. There was no way that Magnus would be up at this hour, not if he wasn't busy. Groaning in resignment to being alone with their thoughts, the terraformer pulled the blanket over their head and closed their eyes, soon slipping into a restless dream. Tomorrow would be a good day. They were sure of it.

1089 words

A/N: Y'all, my funky little brain decided to get re-hyperfixated on MCSM SOOOO yeah. I'm also tryna keep (Y/N) as neutral as possible, so it'll be easier to be an actual x reader, make sure to drink water and be kind to yourself, and I'll see y'all later :D 

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