Chapter 2

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It was 10:00 and Aniyah was happy to have gotten off of work, but now that she was home that meant she'd have to deal with her siblings who constantly acted like they needed to be in her room and when they did go in there like most time's they wouldn't close the door. She had been lying in bed while using her laptop to chat with some of her friends on her blog when her sister Joria started blasting the tv in the room right across from hers so loud that the neighbors could probably hear exactly what they were saying and know exactly what she was watching, having been in school and at work, all day all she wanted to do was some peace and quiet but that didn't seem like a possibility. She got up from her bed and walk over to her door and slammed it in frustration but with her tv being that loud she knew not even the door being shut would stop all that noise from the television. 

Aniyah climbed back in her bed and put her earphones in, they didn't shut the sound out entirely but they did something, and that was good enough for her. She turned on rain sounds so that she would be able to fall asleep, she had sleep problems so listing to something like that usually helped her fall asleep, although it did take quite a bit of a while for her to actually go to sleep after a couple of minutes and swiping threw different videos when one wouldn't work she finally found the perfect one and as her eyes got heavier and heavier she finally fell asleep.

Suddenly Aniyah felt like she was falling and falling fast and she tried desperately to open her eyes and try to figure out what was happening but she couldn't, but before she could do anything else she suddenly felt like she slammed right into a cold hard floor, suddenly her eyes opened wide and she was shocked to see that she wasn't where she was before she fell asleep, the entirety of where she was looked like a hotel lobby except the costumers weren't your normal type of costumers you'd see in a hotel in fact they all looked like they belong to a page in a history book, but before she could think twice or at least look more into her surrounding a voice speaks "you look lost" Aniyah lifts her head up only to see a middle-aged man with brown hair and green eyes he was wearing a grey suit and wore a pocket watch hanging from his waist, his face looked warm and welcoming. 

The man puts his hand out for her to grab and so she does lifting herself up off of the floor and staring into the man's face who was smiling at her "James Alexander...and you are" she takes a while before she responds "Aniyah" she responds not really as enthusiastic as he was when giving his name, but to her credit, she was still in shock she had been asleep but know she was in what looked like a hotel meant for all of the histories characters. "Know I know you probably wondering where in gods name am I, but if you give me just a minute to explain it, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know," says James in a cheerful tone "know why don't you go take a seat right over there and I'll be back to help you" but before she could even get a word out of her mouth or the thousands of questions she wanted to ask the man was already gone.

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