The Odds are Never in Our Favor

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Ellie and Finnick's kids both died in the first two days. Even though Finnick had warned the boy and had been stern with him to say not to go to the cornucopia, he still did, and died in the bloodbath.

The girl, on the other hand, listened to her mentor's instructions, and it bought her a day. She got stung by a bunch of trackerjackers, honestly, just bad luck. 

They were now on day three, and all the victor's were watching in the lounge, where they watch the games each year. 

Finnick was talking with Johanna, surely snitching on Ellie and telling her to call every time Ellie actually goes over. 

Ellie, on the other hand, sat with Haymitch.

He handed her a large cup of liquor, telling her it takes the edge off. The two sat there in silence for a while, just drinking, until the camera pans to district 12's Katniss Everdeen.

"If I could bet," Ellie choked out, a little tipsy, "and it weren't morally wrong. My money would be on her."

Haymitch grunted, "If she wasn't burnt half to a crisp."

"I can get her some burn cream," Ellie offered, hiccupping quietly.

"Yeah?" He asked, hopeful.

Ellie nodded, "Give me like half an hour."

And she stayed true to her word. Within the half hour, she handed Haymitch a slip of paper to write her the message on.

"Whenever you're ready, send it." She told him, pouring herself more liquor from Haymitch's glass, but he didn't mind. He knew what she did for it, and he was so grateful. He just hoped it didn't go to waste.

She gulped down the entire glass she just poured of vodka, feeling the warm familiar feeling of its burn as it went down her throat.

"Hey, hey," Finnick grabbed the glass out of her hand when he saw what was going on, "Where were you?"

She giggled at him, "The bathroom?"

Night was now falling, and the tributes were settling in for the night, with that, and the fact his co-mentor was extremely drunk, he decided it was time for them to tuck in for the night. 

"Okay," He obviously didn't believe her, "Let's go."

"Hey," Haymitch grabbed Finnick's arm when he tried to drag the girl away from the alcohol, "Let her have some fun."

Finnick scolded Haymitch, "You would feel different if you had to. . ." He froze, before muttering, "Why am I defending myself to an alcoholic?"

In the ten seconds he took his eyes off of Ellie, she had already gotten another glass and was drinking, again. He sighed before snatching the drink out of her hand and grabbing her upper arm, firmly. He pulled her out of the room and led her to the elevator, practically carrying her as she was trying to sit in order to prevent him from taking her any further.

"You're no fun!" She whined, digging her feet into the ground, but not making any progress with stopping him.

He used their keycard to open the door and drug her into their apartment. He put his stuff down on the table by the door, then used his other arm to pick her up and carry her into her bedroom. He put her down on the bed, took off her shoes, and pushed the covers over her body, making sure to turn her onto her side.

He went to the kitchen to get her a glass of water, but stopped when he heard the front door open, again.

"Where are you going?" He ran up to her and guided her away from the door, sitting her down on the couch as he grabbed her water.

She shrugged, "I'm thirsty." 

He rolled his eyes and led her back to her room, shaking the water, "That's why I got you this."

He replaced her back in her bed, and sat next to her, hoping to get her to fall asleep.

"Finnick," She mumbled, half asleep in her bed, reaching for his face, "you're pretty."

Finnick let out a small laugh, before gently rubbing her back, "And you're drunk. Go to sleep, sweetheart."

"Okay." She agreed before knocking out right away.


Ellie stumbled through her room running to the toilet as quickly as she could. Her sudden movement woke Finnick up and he was right behind her.

He pulled her hair back as she grabbed the side of the toilet and threw up everything she had drank the night before.

Finnick waited until she was done, then wet a washcloth and sat down behind her, pulling her into his chest, then wiping her face off.

Her heart was racing and she panted to catch her breath once again.

Finnick giggled, kissing the top of her head as she laid back against him, "And what did we learn?" He asked her.

"Shut up." Ellie growled at him, "I didn't do anything wrong."

"You interacted with Haymitch." Finnick pointed out, "That's a road to a bad ending no matter what exit you take."

"We just drank a little." She told him.

"A little," Finnick laughed, "I had to drag you back here."

"No you didn't," Ellie started, but then realized that she couldn't remember anything about the night before. "Can you get me the hangover pills?"

In the Capitol, drinking was so common that hangover pills were invented. A quick and easy way to start drinking again the next day.

"Not so fast," He tusked, "I don't think you've learned your lesson, yet."

"Finnick." She warned, her voice low with anger.

"Let's see," He said, "What did you do?" He picked a few of her highlights, "You tried to run away multiple times, you disappeared for like half an hour," he paused before saying, "Oh yeah, and you called me pretty."

Ellie leaned forward and threw up in the toilet again, horrified at her behavior from the previous night.

"Yeah," Finnick wiped her mouth off again, leaning her back against his chest, "I was kinda shocked, too." 

Drowning - Oc x Finnick OdairOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz