"oh no I'm just... I'm here to wish you a good trip and to come back safe" said pete smiling, kinn smiled back at him well at least he can show that much of manners in front of the guards .

"well thank you pete, you too stay safe and well" said kinn then turned to his head bodyguard who was glaring at pete with quite obvious disgust that often took pete back because he had absolutely zero interaction with kinn bodyguards so he didn't understand where the hate is coming from that is radiating from Porsche eyes

"um .. kinn?" said pete as kinn was about to move out of the door

"yes darling?" everyone that was standing barely held themselves from scoffing because that was the most fake thing that came out of kinn mouth in a while now but still his status as the head of the family made everyone hold their thoughts in.

"um about... about what i had asked you last week? about going to grandma's house while you....." pete trailed off as he looked at kinn expectingly .

"ah.. yes don't worry of course you can go to your grandma while I'm gone, i already gave chan the instructions to drop you off at the dock when you want to go-"

"no need to !!" answered pete quickly "i mean it's not the first time I'm going and I'd like to spend some time at the beach before going to the dock to ride the boat so it'll only be trouble to chan if he...." pete trailed off again as he was not sure if his excuse was convincing enough or only getting him closer to getting caught, he bit his lip as anxiety hit him.

something flickered in kinn's eyes but it quickly went away and he smiled again at pete .

"sure thing" he looked at chan and gave him a nod which meant to let pete do as he liked and then turned and walked out followed by Porsche who was now even angrier for some reason.

with that pete let out the breath he was holding and gave a small smile to chan when he made eye contact with him then ran up quickly to his room to throw some random pieces of clothes in his bag so he'd leave as soon as possible, he didn't even look at what he was putting in his bag cause in reality he didn't need any of them cause where he is going he mostly won't be needing clothes and even when he'd wear some he was thinking of a better option than wearing his own clothes, that better option was vegas clothes that were soaked with his scent, he was smiling just thinking about it.

he quickly finished up and in less than 15 minutes he was back down to the ground floor, chan looked at him surprised "already leaving khun pete? why not wait for dinner?"

it is 4:15 already and dinner is served around 7 in the main family house, that's a whole three hours wait and then followed by another 30 minutes for eating and asking if he need anything and if he had instructions to the guards, he was the leaders wife after all so he will be asked for  instructions, and he couldn't wait that long not when he can be rolling around in vegas bed in like 20 minutes from now if he just leaves, not when he was craving vegas smell since two or three weeks now, that even having vegas shirt here with him in the main family house and risking getting caught was enough for him, he can't wait for dinner he has to go now or he will lose it.

he forced himself to smile to chan and tried his hardest to stay polite " no need to wait for dinner grandma already made me my favorite and if i wait until late i would have to spend the whole night awake in the boat to reach grandma but thank you for the suggestion chan, I'll be heading out now see you in two days" pete said as he walked through the hall to leave the mansion, chan added no words after this and just watched him leave.


kinn felt the car seat being shaken much more than the car racing speed he frowned as he was looking outside the window and turned around to look at the other end of the backseat of the car they were in where Porsche is sitting also looking outside the window on his side.

the devil doesn't bargain Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang