Marcy's montage/ New suit/Anne's suspicion/Return to the island

Start from the beginning

Lisa: No capes! *She throws a paper ball at her*

*This puzzles Marcy*

Marcy: Isn't that my decision?

Leni: Do you like remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers, Nice man, Good with kids

Marcy: Listen, Ren-

Lisa: November 15th of 25 (Translation: November 15th 2025) All was well, another day saved when his cape snagged on a missile fin.

Marcy: Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb...

Leni: Stratogale! April 23rd, 16 (Translation: April 23rd 2016) Cape caught in a jet turbine.

Marcy: Leni, Lisa you can't generalize about these things.

Lisa: Meta Man, Express elevator! 

Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! 

Amazigirl, grabbed by an angry silverback gorilla and mauled! 

Splashdown, sucked into a vortex!,

Leni & Lisa: NO CAPES!! 

Lisa: Now, go on. Your new suit will be finished before your next assignment

Marcy: You know I'm retired from hero work

Leni: As are we, Marcy, Yet, here we are

Marcy: Leni, Lisa I only need a patch job. For sentimental reasons.

Lisa: *she sighs* Fine, we will also fix the hobo suit

Marcy: You're the best of the best, Leni! Lisa! 

Leni: Yes, I know, darling *whispering* I know

*we cut to Anne hanging one of Marcy's shirts when she notices a strand of brunette hair Then, the phone rings*

Marcy: *offscreen* I got it, I got it! Don't answer it, honey, I got it! *onscreen* Hello?

Cristina: We have a new assignment for you *Helen listens to the call* How soon can you get here?

Marcy: I'll leave tomorrow morning

Cristina: See you there.

Marcy: Goodbye

*Marcy opens the door to leave but sees Anne in the doorway*

Anne: Who was that, Mar-Mar? The, uh, office?

Marcy: Another conference *Marcy works her way around Anne* Short notice, but you know...duty calls *nervous laugh*

*Anne looks at Marcy suspiciously as we cut to Marcy getting in her car getting ready to leave*

Anne: Marcy?

Marcy: Yeah, what's up, honey?

Anne: *breathes in* Ha...have a great trip.

Marcy: Thanks, Anne I'll call you when I get there

Anne: I love you. So much

Marcy: I love you too, Anna-Banana 

*Marcy kisses Anne and then leaves*

*we cut to Marcy and she is on the Manta Jet in her new supersuit and it's a lot darker in color as she enjoys herself some shrimp with cocktail sauce*

Computer: This Is Your Automated, Captain

Coregirl: mmm 

Computer: Would You Care For More Mimosa?

Coregirl: Don't mind if I do, Thanks

*she puts a wineglass in and it comes out with more Mimosa*

Computer: You're Welcome, Currently 78 Degrees In Nomanisan, Perfect weather for flying, 

*The Jet begins to descend*

 Computer: please fasten your seat belt, We're beginning our descent

*The Jet lands within a lagoon as it dives underwater a secret underwater landing pad opens up and the Jet goes in and lands 

As it does the landing pad door closes and water is drained from the pad as a tube connects to the Jet as it buckles into the Jet Marcy unbuckles her seatbelt just as the door opens revealing Cristina's legs*

Cristina: Hello, Coregirl Nice suit

Coregirl: Thanks, Nice to be back... Cristina

*We see the pod head away from the landing pad as it traverses through the jungle it slowly approaches near a waterfall where it opens up 

Revealing a massive underground tunnel system with dozens of other pods and the pod that Marcy and Cristina gets in the tunnel system as it's lifted up and we pan to Marcy arriving at a room with suitcases in her hands*

Cristina: You'll be briefed on your assignment in the conference room at two. D Wing, room A-113.

Coregirl: 2:00, Got it

Cristina: See you there.

(Anne vacuums the hallway next to Marcy's study, She vacuums the carpet near the door, hears 

the vacuum pick up filth and groans before entering the room, She begins to vacuum the study 

and notices the door displaying Marcy's old super suit is open, 

She observes the suit and notices a tear in the right arm of the suit has been fixed*

Anne: *gasps* Leni & Lisa!

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