To Win at a Cost

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Elowyn stood over the boy from district 1's body. 

Cane, was his name.  

She looked down at her hands, covered in cuts and bruises, blood covering her warm winter coat. She watched as the blood from his head colored the snow red, shocked at how much blood could come from a singular person.

She hadn't meant to kill him, in fact, she was going to let him win. 

They had been allies from the start. Believe it or not, the boy had actually not been your typical career. He was kind to her, protected her, and cared for her. They had made it down to the final two, both willing to go for each other, not wanting to live with the guilt of murdering their friend. Cane said he would die for her, but he just wanted one last thing. Something that Elowyn wasn't willing to give.

When he pushed her onto the ground and held her down, she panicked. She shoved him and tried to get out of his grip. She rolled and thrashed but couldn't get him off. But that's when he made a mistake, a deadly one. 

He lifted one hand off her, allowing her to kick his exposed shoulder, knocking him to the ground, motionless.

She stood up, ready to run off and let the Gamemaker's choose who lived and who died, but that's when she saw it. 

She had kicked him straight into his own axe, which know protruded from his own head, his eyes wide open in shock, mouth agape, like he was trying to speak.

She tried to help him, but soon knew it was a lost cause. She stood up and walked backwards, tripping over her own feet and falling onto the ground. She allowed herself to fall apart, tears streaming down her face, taking bits of blood with it. 

A large boom was sounded.

"There we have it folks!" A voice came over what sounded like an intercom, "The winner of the 71st hunger games, Elowyn Blackburn!"


The next thing she remembered was being on an aircraft. She wasn't sure how she got there, but when she woke up, she was connected to all sorts of machines and medications, keeping her alive and tending to her wounds. 

The second they landed, she was rushed off, away from the crowds, who she heard cheering her name.

Her stylist from before the games rushed in, gently moving the girls head around to see what she was working with. A man stood next to her, with dark skin and dressed nicely. 

"Elowyn, darling." Pedra greeted the girl, "Congratulations!"

The man nodded his head, addressing the girl, "I'm Cinna." He introduced, "I know you are going through a lot right now, but we are going to do our best to help you prepare for tonight."

The two fashionistas picked a rather modest outfit for Elowyn, whether it was because she could not stop shivering after exiting the arena or because her body was littered with bruises and cuts, she did not know. Either way, she was grateful for it.

The dress was a light blue, to match the color of the snow and sky of the arena she was in, while also nodding to the fact she was from district 4. 

Cinna did her makeup, and he was quite good at it, too. By the time he was done, you would not be able to tell she had just been malnourished for a month and beaten over and over again. 

That's right, a month. 

Elowyn had been nearly frozen to death, starved, and murdered for an entire month. The tributes died and moved slow, she suspected it was because of the cold. There were lots of "natural" disasters that took people out. She figured the Capitol was getting bored. They probably wouldn't do another cold arena any time soon. 

The door swung open and her mentors walked in. Mags and Finnick. 

She thought they were both nice people, but had forced herself to stay distant and not let anyone get attached. From the second she was put in that arena, she had no intention of coming home.

"How is she?" Finnick asked Pedra as if the girl wasn't sitting right in front of him. 

Mags walked up to her and wrapped her in a gentle hug.

She could hear the hushed voices of Finnick and Pedra, wondering why they were whispering if she could hear them anyway, "She hasn't spoken a word since she's got here." 

Elowyn was never much of a talker. She listened so much better. Most people talked freely around her because they knew she would not go off and spread rumors. She learned a lot that way, a lot about people, but mostly, she learned to never trust anyone. Someone you love will always break your trust. 

Mags sat down next to the girl, keeping her company. Elowyn was glad for the company, and glad the mentor got the message to just stay quiet.

Elowyn's mind was loud enough to fill the entire room for the moment. 

After several failed attempts from Finnick to get the girl to talk, they decided it was best to wait until after she was forced to talk in her interviews to try and console the teen. Mags stood up, gently brushed Elowyn's hair out of her face, and left with him.

Her team quickly finished up her look, and she could hear Caesar's theme song playing as the show started. He riled up the crowd, getting them excited for the interview.

"Come on, Darling." Pedra led her out the door by her arm, and put her on the side of the stage, "When they announce your name, go on out." She informed, nervous the girl would break down.

Flashbacks poured through her mind, remembering how the line looked with 23 other children as they were all lined up and marched to their deaths. How terrified the little ones looked, and how even the oldest and toughest ones of them all still held a look of fear in their eyes.

They were all children.

"Welcome back to the Capitol, our winner, Elowyn Blackburn!" Caesar announced, tugging her from her mind palace. 

Elowyn took a deep breath and did something that even surprised herself. She let a large smile fill her face and she walked onto the stage and waved at the audience, before giving Caesar a swift hug, then sat down in the large and puffy chair.

"So, Elowyn," Caesar sounded suspenseful, "How does it feel to be back at the Capitol?"

"It feels amazing, really." Her voice was a little hoarse as she spoke for the first time, "I am so glad to be back."

The audience cheered and Caesar smiled, "Elowyn, I think we were all amazed by your win, you took us by surprise." He lowered his voice, "You are officially the winner with the lowest kill count, only one, tell us about that." 

Elowyn's stomach felt like it twisted when he mentioned her one kill, her face falling. She quickly caught it, smiled again, and spoke softly, but clear, "The most powerful weapon known to man is the weapon of strategy. Therefore, a clever person relies on it. She will then win with peace, not war." 

The audience was silent, allowing her words to sink in.

"That is such an interesting perspective." Caesar noted, "What is going to be the first thing you do when you get back to district 4?"

"Probably sleep." She blurts out without thinking, causing the audience to burst out laughing.

"A rest well earned," Caesar chuckled along with the crowd, grabbing her hand and standing up with her, "Everyone give it up for Elowyn Blackburn!" 

Cheers erupted loudly and President Snow made his way on stage. He walked in front of the girl and placed a delicate crown on her head, "Congratulations, Elowyn." He placed his hand on her shoulder, "May the odds remain in your favor."

She looked the President dead in the eyes and smiled, "And may they in yours." 

Elowyn then led herself off stage, away from the roaring crowd.

She was ready to go home. 

Home, such an odd feeling.

With the weight of what she had done, she knew she would never feel home, again.

A/N I know Johanna wins the 71st I think, but for the sake of my sanity, pretend she won the 70th.

Drowning - Oc x Finnick OdairWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt