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SONG: Summer Time High Time by Cuco

It was the next day around 3pm and I was sun bathing by the pool in Gwen's backyard. I wore a bikini top and short denim shorts. I closed my eyes taking in the sun rays as I waited for Gwen to come out. Time passed and I finally heard the french doors open followed by people talking. I ignore the voices as they got closer and continued to just bask in the sun.

"Hello again" I hear a familiar male's voice say.

I turn my head in the direction of the voice to see Pedro standing there with a towel in his hand.

"Do you come over everyday?" I say as I removed my sunglasses.

He chuckled and set his towel down on the lounge chair right next to me. Gwen and Matt were already seated in their chairs across from Pedro and I.

"I didn't know this was going to turn into a party" I joked as I looked at Gwen.

She shrugged her shoulders in response and looked over at Matt.

"Pedro said he was coming over so we figured let's turn this into a little pool party" Matt pitched in.

I looked over at Pedro who was already comfortably basking in the sun with his shades on. I will admit he was fine for someone of his age. Plus he had a certain charisma to his personality that made him even more attractive. Gwen and Matt eventually made their way into the water and starting talking amongst themselves.

" left in quite a hurry last night" Pedro said while turning to look in my direction.

"Gwen was waiting on that bottle of wine and as you could tell I took my sweet time getting it for her", I joked.

Pedro giggled and I felt a spark ignite deep within me.

"I will admit watching you struggle to reach that bottle was cute" Pedro says looking at me with adoration.

"Thank you... I guess" I say shyly unable to make eye contact.

"What's your zodiac sign? I've been trying to pin point what you are.." he says.

"I'm an Aries, well Aries sun, Libra moon and Capricorn Rising" I reply with.

"Ahh, fire sign. I'm an Aries sun too" Pedro says excitedly.

"We just do it better than the rest" I say in a cocky manner.

"We do. We really do" he says before adding, "Did you want to get in the water?".

"Umm yeah" I say awkwardly not wanting to reject an offer from Pedro Pascal.

I stood up and began to take my denim shorts off leaving me in only in my two piece bikini. Pedro, who was still seating in his chair next to me, stared at my every movement. It sort of made me feel subconscious but I tried my best to shrug it off.

"Are you more of a jump into the pool type of person or a I'll take the steps in type of person?" I asked Pedro as he finally stood up from his chair.

"I'm more of a dolphin dive into the pool type of guy" Pedro said as he jokingly plopped himself into the pool.

I couldn't help but laugh at his sense of humor. Pedro eventually made it back to the surface of the water and fixed his wet hair.

"On a scale from was my form" Pedro asked.

"That was a solid 10 Pedro" I giggled and sat along the edge of the pool with my feet dangling in the water.

Fire is a Prison -Pedro PascalxReader- (formerly known as 'My Guilty Pleasure')Where stories live. Discover now