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Kyoka Jirou is a normal girl like everyone else in her age, she had friends, a supportive family, average grades in school, and a natural gift for music like her uncle, unfortunately for Kyoka that wasn't what brought her happiness, for Kyoka these were just normal things that all people could have, it was when she reached her teens that she began to realize how wrong she was.

When she was in middle school, Kyoka started to notice, and to observe, around her the world deteriorating, all the people now just wanted to be heroes, she doesn't blame them for thinking like that after all she had that dream too, but the motive everyone else had was always the same, while some people want to be heroes for the simple reason of being rich, others just want to be heroes for the simple reasons of wanting to be the center of the spotlight, they don't even care if they save lives or not, although Kyoka saw that there were still people who wanted to be heroes for the right reason.

Kyoka has always been a girl capable of distinguishing right from wrong, but sometimes she wonders if the path she chose was the right one, after all, she always told her parents that she wanted to be a hero by using music, despite her parents and her uncle saying they support her, deep in her heart she fears that they will hate her for having chosen a selfish path and for only thinking in herself, but these thoughts would only get worse.


"Hey girls you won't believe this but the goth in our class wants to be a hero, isn't that so stupid?"

"OMG I know, like who is she kidding she's not going to be successful at all, not with that body anyway!"

"Yes she should give up, and even if she manages to become a hero she won't last a week, after all everyone knows that if you want to succeed as a hero the aspect is the most important thing, she will never succeed don't you agree girls? "

The trio of girls leave the girls' locker room, but what they didn't know is that Kyoka was in the locker room, her class had just had their PE class and, as usual, she was the last to leave but apparently those girls forgot that small detail, causing Kyoka to hear everything they had said and wonder.

Was it true? Was she so disgusting that she would have to hide who she is? Could it be that the only way for her to feel happy is to live in a cloak of lies? Will she have to hide behind a mask of lies so people and her family can use her without her making bad choices? Kyoka really wanted at that moment to prove to all of them that they were wrong and that she was better than them, Kyoka would show herself superior to everyone else even if she had to change their perceptions. Even if she had to change the senses of all the people who have ever despised her in life.



"OH SHIT" I narrowly escape from the being that was flying at high speeds towards me with the intention of assassinating me, despite being just a demonstration/training, Izuku's STAND is no joke. "ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO KILL ME?"

"In a normal fight between Stand users, most fights always end with someone dying, so if you don't want to die, I suggest you summon your Stand and start counterattacking, or there will be a death in the Jirou family!"

"How can you say that so calmly if I don't even know how to invoke my stand?"

"What do you mean by that? It's as easy as breathing!"

"Maybe but I DON'T have the same level of experience as you do, so I could use an example!"

"Yare Yare Daze ok I'll explain. Once again I'm going to attack, you don't leave your place and try to summon your Stand, do that and the training ends for today, questions?"

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