9. enchanted

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My fiancè was a stunning woman.

And my hands were aching to punch the man who had her in his arms.

These were the only two thoughts running through my mind. Kunaal and Devansh were standing beside me and discussing some deal, but for the life of me, I could not remember a word they said.

It was the formal party announced by both families to celebrate our engagement. All of our company's clients, employees, potential shareholders, and some of our close family members were present.

The party was on the rooftop of one of our hotels. The weather was pleasant nowadays, so it was for the best. The decorations were golden themed. There were lights shining from every direction. Fairy lights and candles were not spared.

The little ornaments were painted black and gold. There were green flowers to top the look off. The place was all elegant and chic, but my eyes were on one person.

My fiancè.


She was wearing an evening gown today. It was red but had the undertone of black. It looked almost blood maroon. Her velvet elbow length gloves and open mahogany hair with a jewel comb were making her look ethereal.

Her neck was adorned with a choker diamond necklace of red stones. My breath had stuck in my throat when I'd seen her the first time. But before I could go to her, these two chatterboxes had stopped me while Meera was claimed for dance after dance.

It was only the third dance for the night, but my knuckles were desperate to punch each and every man dancing with her.

"Quit staring at my sister, will you?" Kunaal's voice brake my train of thoughts.

I reluctantly turned to look at him. Both of them had a knowing smirk on their face.

They were both wearing tuxedos. The theme was western formal for this party. I was dressed in a charcoal black three piece tuxedo with a silk black shirt underneath.

"Dude, you're so enchanted," Devansh drawls.

I scoff, "Of course not."

"Yeah, was it not you who was busy glaring at every man Meera danced with?" Kunaal asks.

"Don't fret, Rudra. She's gonna be your wife super soon," Devansh says with a grin.

I shrug and take a sip of the wine in my glass.

This territorial feeling is certainly new. I've never felt that way for anyone else. Not even with Lisa, who was my longest girlfriend. But look where that got us. Even thinking about her brings those memories back. The ones I've forced myself to leave behind.

I drain the whole glass of wine in one go.

The man Meera was dancing with was another one of our shareholders. He was young, and as far as I remember, not married.

Meera was laughing over something he said, and my jaw tightened. I was already halfway across the room.

"Ah, here you are." I say resting my hand on Meera's lower back, shutting off her dance partner completely. "I was wondering if my fiancè would do me the honor of a dance." I placed a small emphasis on the work fiancè.

With that, I took her in my arms.

"Very subtle, Rudra." Meera says, a whisper of mirth lurking around the corner of her mouth. Those lips, fuck.

"I don't understand," I lie. In the golden lights, I watch her eyes shining as she holds back a laugh. I notice the way her lips form a crooked smile when she's amused. I also notice how the faint pink blush starts from her cheeks, and travels down to her neck and chest.

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