She went to the train station to get her ticket to leave and to get a transfer ticket to the airport so she can leave that night.

She was preparing for her exit from juuban, she went clothes shopping and a bunch of other activities to keep her mind off of the day.

She went back home and started packing up. She sat in her apartment for a while looking at old photo albums of our childhood, they were happier times and she started crying.

The memories came flooding back to her, she shook her head and threw the photo album in the sink and set it on fire, she watched it burn and after it burnt she watered the sink to stop the fire.

She went back to sit on the couch to watch Tv as everyone was out having fun

There was a knock at her door and she got up and opened it, it was the outer senshi dressed up for akiko's wedding since they were going along with Shiori

Miyako had the saddest expression on her face and hugged Samiko tightly not knowing she had scars on her back

"You are so stupid koneko-chan, why didn't you tell us you were going through so much? Why didn't you confide in us? We are your protectors whether you like it or not.

What's gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?"

Michiko closed the door behind them and sat on the couch holding Shiori in her arms who was sitting on her lap

"Samiko, you should have came to us if things weren't going well. You have us all worried now.

What's all this going on in your apartment? What's with the suitcases?"

She saw that Samiko had things packed up and ready to go, Samiko looked at the four in her apartment and sighed

"I am leaving Juuban for good, I do not belong here anymore. I never belonged here.

I am not fit to be your leader, your champion of peace and serenity. I decided long ago that I am incapable of things, I am too toxic for anyone to be around.

I am a curse and a demon of my own world, I deserve everything that's coming to me.

My evil and jerkish arc is coming soon, I already warned Maiko about it. I will warn all of you now do not try to save me or interact with me, my saturn side will not appreciate it at all.

I will not hesitate to unleash her on juuban, she will look exactly like me but she will be darker and meaner than ever.

She already hates the world and will destroy it along with everyone that lives on the planet.

She doesn't care who she hurts as long as they feel the pain I went through, she is all happy.

I will be leaving in three or four hours, my ticket is already paid for and my hotel room is ready.

Once the wedding starts and they reach the i dos, i am out of here."

Shiori looked at her older cousin with tears in her eyes

"Sammi-chan, you can't leave. Who will pick me and the rest of the saturn clan up from school? You are listed as an emergency contact for everyone because of your last names.

Do you know how hard it is for parents of the outer planets to pick us up? There are a lot of us and only one person can pick us up and that's you.

Our parents trust you to pick us up when they get busy with side quests and such.

You can't leave us behind, you just can't!"

Samiko looked at Shiori with a sadden expression

"I-i'm sorry Shiori, i am leaving. I have to leave because it's not healthy for me to stay here .

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