Entry 13

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Entry 13

Maiko came home from akiko's house after her mom had left, Samiko was already gone from the shrine and went back to a hotel room in the red light district.

Things were very confused between the two senshis and things needed to go back to normal.

Maiko laid on her bed and relaxed before grabbing her diary, when she finally got up she stretched a bit.

She finally sat at her desk and started writing in her diary

"Hey Diary, it's a me Maiko. The wedding of the century turned out to be the escape of the century, Akiko left Eric at the altar to go search for Samiko, when she reached her apartment it looked like nobody lived there for a while and that there was a burnt photo album inside the sink.

She looked all over town in the rain for Samiko despite her looking like a bride. She rode her bike across town and finally found out where samiko was staying.

A full month has passed since then and nobody has seen or heard from Samiko at all. Akiko kind of accepted that Samiko would disappear from time to time to find herself, so she decided to wait as long as it took.

After I came back from her house, I was getting worried because we know how samiko was with women. She was trying to protect Akiko from herself because of the demon she had become.

They both knew that if they crossed the lines there would be no coming back from it. They knew the risks of friends becoming something more than what they are.

We know samiko better then anyone, she swore she would never hurt Akiko in any way. She loved her but was scared to even come close to her. I bet if anything, samiko would rather die than hurt her best friend.

I went back to Akiko's house that night to keep her company. She was laying on her bed hugging her pillow, I looked at her with sadness in my eye wondering what I could do to help her.

I sat on her bed patting her foot to comfort her

"Akiko, have you heard from her? It's been a full month and nobody has seen or heard from her. It's like she became a ghost and disappeared into the night without a word."

Akiko had tears in her eyes squeezing her pillow half to death and she sniffled

"I haven't heard from her either. She is hiding and trying to figure things out on her own. I don't know what to do, but I will give her space and time to figure things out. I will wait for her for however long it takes. I want things to go back to normal."

I looked at her with a slight smile on my face and patted her head softly

"How long did it take you to realize you had feelings for her? Only an insane person would leave their lavish wedding of the century to go chase after a ghost."

Akiko sat up on her bed and looked at her ceiling for a moment

"It took me a very long while, I mean Samiko has always kept me at arms length but I never understood why. I understand why now though. She doesn't want to hurt me in any way shape or form, she was protecting me from herself.

She looks in the mirror and sees a version of herself she doesn't like. I know there is more to her behavior, I just gotta figure out what it is though. Who knows how long she will be in hiding this time. I know history doesn't have much on her after the moon kingdom because they wanted her to go unnoticed.

How can we protect her if she doesn't let us in? How are we supposed to know what to do if she doesn't give us clues?"

I looked at her with the same smile on my face

"Maybe that's the key. We should travel to the moon and find out. I am sure neo queen Serenity doesn't mind us going there. If the problems for Samiko started there, we can get the answers from the moon."

Akiko blinked

"I feel like we would be breaking some code of honor if we asked neo-queen serenity for help.

If we have no choice we will ask her for help, right now we just need to give samiko her time and space to figure herself out."

I looked at her with a concerned look on my face but she was right. Should we really be skating on thin ice with samiko when we are slowly getting back to normal?

I don't know what to do with this anymore. We are a team and as a team we stick together.

I suppose when the time calls for it we will have to ask neo queen serenity  for help.

See you later

Love, Maiko 

DIARY OF AN SAILOR ANGEL SENSHINơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ