Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

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I read this book in ELA II or III, maybe even in ELA I. This is a dystopian society were literature and books have been outlawed. Nobody reads them anymore anyway since they have other technologies, new and interesting, absorbing. Nobody appreciates their world or thinks deeply, and those who do, those who are different and or try to keep books disappear. There are firefighters, but they don't put out fires. They instead are called out to suspicious locations, ones that are hiding books. They burn the books and the house, whether the person who lives there is inside or not. Our main character of this book is Guy Montag. He is a firefighter, and his journey starts after he meets a girl named Clarisse who thinks and challenges his thoughts, then after a job where he watches the owner of a house burn with their books, he takes a book home.

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