III ━ Shower Time

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The door is open to an abyss.

There is only black, no light. Pitch black as if it was the darkest hour of the night. No promises of a safe journey. No directions. Only an open door that means the same thing every time.

"What's going on?" He looks at me and the the door "allowing" us to escape.

"It's time to shower," I tell him. "We only have five minutes."

I start to stand up and move towards to the door.

"Wait! Where are you going, you can't even see-"

"Hold the hem of my shirt," I say giving no further explanation. "Don't touch me."


"We don't have much time. Once we get out there don't say anything." I say with a rushed but firm tone.

Zeidan fumbles with the hem of my shirt with a confused expression on his face.


"Nothing." I hiss as we slip out into the darkness.

I know something is different. Boys and girls never find each other in here. Never until yesterday.

Something big must be happening. I need to find Juliette. We won't be able to control it. I just know.

It can't be a coincidence.

My eyes start to readjust to the artificial light as my fingers find the rough wall. I drag them along as I walk with Zeidan attached to my back.

I know this route like the back of my hand. I feel the rough wall become smooth and my fingers find the wooden door with a splintered doorknob. It creaks as I open it and edge inside. I lead Zeidan towards the rows of showers.

"Don't move. I need to find us some soap."

Zeidan hasn't said a word this whole time and I can't help myself but feel proud of him. His ignorance makes him vulnerable so I need to make sure so teach him all the things I know before they kill him for no reason.

I scavenge the grounds for some soap and decide to tempt my fate. I need to find her. She needs to know what's going on.

"Juliette. Juliette? Jules?" I whisper.

No response. What did I think was going to happen anyway.

I find two pieces on the floor and walk back to Zeidan.

"Put your hand out. I'll turn your water on. Oh and try not to get your clothes wet."

"Yes ma'am." Just from his tone of voice I know he probably has some stupid smirk on his face.

All other noise begins to drown out under the sound of both of our showers starting at the same time. I've done this so many times my moves come with out thinking. I know how to effectively wash myself in under 2 minutes without getting my clothes wet.

If one part of the process goes wrong like getting one part of your body too wet you might get pneumonia from the frigid nights. Since there are no towels, I always make sure I am highly aware of this.

In perfect timing, I'm slipping back into my shabby outfit. My converse are the only piece of clothing that has stayed in the same condition since I've gotten here. They were already worn out and torn from the days of me wearing them everyday at home.



"Okay, grab my shirt."

Once we're back into our four walls of confinement, I walk over to my bed and grab my blanket and hand it to Zeidan.

THE GREAT WAR ( aaron warner )Where stories live. Discover now