17 My bodyguards

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"Why are you so happy?" Arthur questioned as we sat around the table at the garrison.
" no reason, can't I look happy?"
"No you just look overly cheerful"
"Thanks I guess" I said then sipping on my drink
"So where are your bodyguards today?" Arthur questioned breaking the silence
"I don't know I'm not with them every second of the day" I said trying to brush off the question. My brothers exchanged a look when I lightly snapped at them thinking it was unusual of me.

"Sorry, I delivered that in the wrong tone" I said looking between my brothers as Arthur lifted up his glass lightly and nodded.

"Speaking of my body guards I see them right now" I said looking through the private room door staring at them at the bar.
I feel greedy having 3 boys who care for me maybe more than care but it wasn't my fault that my personality is unbeatable unlike my robots of brothers.

"Hello bodyguards" I said as they walked In and sat down squishing me into John.

"I need to pee" I said loudly so they could all hear.
"Thanks for letting us know"Tommy said the. Lightly laughing as the smoke came out.
"No like I'm gonna piss myself"I said crossing my legs under the table.

"Then go" Arthur said as I sat there still.
"Um I can't get out"
I saw the boys getting ready to shuffle as I stopped them "no it's fine I can get out myself" I said standing up on the sofa.

"What are you doing?" Isiah asked smirking
I placed my foot on the table trying to balance, I slowly lifted up my other foot and placed it on the table my arms out in the arms spreaded out.
"Pol will kill us if you break a bone" John said leaning forward getting ready to grab me incase I was going to fall.
"A little help down" I said turning to my brothers then the boys, I stood up there for a few minutes in silence when j heard Tommy sigh as he got up.
He placed his hands on my waist and lifting me down of the table, as I patted down my skirt of the dress.

I walked into the bathroom and sat myself down on the toilet, I counted on my hand how many days my mind running in different circles, it had been a week or two since I slept with Isiah "shit I mutter quietly, my period is late" I walked over to the mirror and grabbed a cigarette out my pocket my hand shaking as I tried to grasp it.
I took a deep breath and walked out, I walked back into the private room to see Diego had left, "where did Diego go?"
"He had to go get Lindsay"
"Ahh Lindsay" I said as I sat myself down next to Isiah my leg bouncing under the table my thoughts all over the place.
I felt his land lay on my thigh as I quickly glanced to him then back at the table.
"Rory you ok?" Arthur asked making me look up at him.
"Um- I, I think"
"What's up"
"I can't tell you"
"Why not?"
"Because, I said then turning to a whisper, women's. Business" I said then smiling as he turned red.
"Your not pregnant are you?" Making me shot my head up to him then looking to my brothers as I didn't say a word.
"Rory?" Arthur said sitting up.
"Joking, chill" I said then giggling, I turn to Isiah who's face went scared.
"I am actually gonna go don't feel well, might just get some pills or something" I said downing my drink.
"Take your bodyguards with you" John said then lightly laughing as I looked to them then back to my brothers.
"Wait what time is it?" Arthur asked
Tommy pulled out his watch and quickly put his cap back on, "we need to go back to the house" he said as they all put there caps and coats on.
"We will all walk together then" Arthur said as I stood up.

We walked through the street as the overwhelming feeling of being sick brewed in my throat and stomach.
"I think I'm gonna be sick" I said as we stopped outside the house.
I bent over and Luke's my guts out, I felt Arthur briefly pat my head then step away.
"You ok?" Isiah asked as I spat on the ground where I was sick.
"You sure your not pregnant?" Arthur asked as we stepped inside making Polly's eyes go wide, "who's pregnant?"
"No we're asking Rory because  she threw up outside and said something in the pub" Tommy said as he placed his hat on the table.
"Come here" Polly said as I took my coat off as she abruptly cupped my boobs in-front of everyone "Polly what the fuck" I said stepping back.
I saw Polly mouth words to me but h couldn't make out what, " women's business" I said before adjusting my dress and walking over to Matteo and Isiah.
"You guys coming" I said suggesting to go upstairs, as they looked to my brothers then back at me as Tommy stared at them then to me.
"There not going up to your room"
"Why not we're not gonna do anything" I said then folding my arms.
"Just go up the stairs but keep the door open" Polly said as I smiled ad grabbed Matteo and Isiah's arms and walked up the stairs, we walked into my room as I quietly shut my door leaving a tiny crack open.
"They told me to leave my door open but didn't specify how much" I said laughing as I sat in my chair across from my bed as they sat on the edge taking looks around my room then back to me.
"So what you been painting?" Isiah asked as I turned to my easel.
"Not sure"
"What do you mean not sure" Matteo asked as the both got up and walked over to it.
"It looks like a forest" Isiah said tiki ting his head to each side.
As did Matteo, "nah it looks like a lake"
I stood in the middle of them and tilted my head to each side, "well I can make it both" I said as I slyly swiped paint on my fingers and turned to the boys, "wait you guys have something there" I said as I smeared the blue paint across their cheek.
"Oh, really" Isiah said as he placed his hand in the blue paint and walked slowly towards me, I open my door and stood with my hands up, " I surrender" I said as he tried to swipe my face with it but missing.
"Come back" he said as I ran down the stairs, I stopped as I turned around and he placed a big blue handprint on my face.
"Can't believe you" I said giggling, as I looked over to see my brothers and Polly smiling.
"Shake on it, civil?" Isiah said as he placed his hand out.
I grabbed his hand tightly then realising smearing all the paint over his hand, "civil" I said then giggling

"Don't drip the paint everywhere" Polly said as she threw cloths over to us
"You got it in my hair" I said lightly pushing his shoulder.
"You got it on my suit"
"But my hair is prettier"
"Your right but my suit is comfy" he said wiping the paint from his hand.
"Go wash up aurora"
"But I'm having fun" I said standing there for a few seconds, as I turned my head Matteo placed his hands on the side of my face smearing more paint on me.
"You fucker" I said as I pushed him and giggled.
"Civil" I said placing my hand out propping my other hand behind me back waiting for him to place his hand on mine.
I gripped his hand tightly and smeared the paint on his face with the other hand.
"Go wash your selfs up" Polly said then laughing seeing the state we were in not taking us seriously.

"Which one do you think she is dating?" John asked his brothers as Polly turned her face away.
"Pol" Tommy asked firmly "she's not dating any of them" she said then sipping on her drink.
"You we're always a bad liar pol" Arthur said making Polly's jaw tighten.

I placed my hair in the bathroom sink as the boys were willing the paint of with a warm cloth.
"That was fun" I said drenching my hair as they were still blue.
"Hurry we need to be un-blue" Matteo said as I wrapped the towel around my hair and walked out the bathroom and walking back down the stairs. To my brothers being stiff and almost pissed off.
"Who pissed in your alcohol" I said gaining a smirk from Polly.
"Who are you dating?" Tommy asked.
"It's not a hard one who are you dating?"
He asked as I stood there looking to Polly and then back to my brothers who didn't look like they had a-lot of patience left.
"Sorry, Rory I got to go need to meet Rachel" he said nodding his cap to my brothers then leaving as I was stood there hoping they didn't figure it out.
"Is it Isiah?" Arthur questioned as I stood quiet.
"It is isn't it!, how long?" Tommy asked
"How long?" He said as his voice got sterner.
"I finally got the paint off" he said as he stood next to me confused about what is happening.
"They know" I whispered to him as my brothers stood up walking towards us.
I moved myself in front of him which didn't do very much but they wouldn't hurt me.
"Don't hurt him, I got feelings first I kissed first and it's not fair I should be able to have a life, I don't want to be treated as a china doll for fucks sake" I said lightly pushing tommy away by his chest.
"Please don't"
"We warned everyone you were off limits" He said as Johns face tightened clenching his fist.

"I like your sister I wouldn't do bad by her" Isiah moving from behind me and standing closely next to me practically grabbing my hand.
"That's good to hear" Tommy said as he brought his fist up and smashed it against his cheek making him stumble back holding his cheek.
"What the fuck is wrong with you" I said as I pushed Tommy back hitting his chest as Arthur grabbed me by my waist pulling me back.
"Get off me" I said kicking my legs in the air.
"Your a fucking dickhead Tommy" I said as my breathing slowed and stopped squirming, Arthur placed me back down on the floor firmly.
I went over to Isiah who stood up straight lightly touching his cheek.
"I'm fine Rory" he said

Hey guys sorry this one took me a little bit to publish.
But thank you so much for 6k reads it unbelievable and Thank-you.
I hope you enjoy this chapter and we will see how there relationship works out after her family found out. Xxx

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