😈A Deal With The Devil😈

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A Year Ago

The cameras of channel 666 news zoom onto Killjoy and Trench as the screen saying 'Celebrity Scandals!'

Katie: "Dirt on dirt, everyone! This scandalous news is of our very own prince of all hell: Y/n Morningstar, himself!" She said as a picture of Y/n showed on the screen but lounging against a white chaise lounge bench shirtless, a glass of red wine in his right hand and coy smirk on his face. A portrait from this month's top selling Hell's Hunk Magazine. "The golden child of Lucifer Morningstar, but that's not all. We all know that the main heir of hell has been engaged to Octavia Ars Goetia since the prince was one hundred and seventy-nine years or near eighteen years old." She said while looking at the cameras.

A video showed on the screen of a eighteen year old Y/n Morningstar dancing with a (one hundred and one: eleven year old) pre-teen Octavia Ars Goetia smiling together, one could see that the prince was smiling genuinely before his father handed him a black velvet box.

Y/n breathed deeply before he looked down at Octavia before going onto one knee as the crowd thinned out in the Morningstar family ballroom.

Y/n: "Octavia Ars Goetia, Even though we are hell's royalty of higher quality and low. We've been friends for a long time, we've seen each other at our highest and lowest points." He said while slicking his long blond hair out of his eyes to look up at Octavia. "You actually make me feel emotions that I've never thought possible, your smile and bright eyes make me want to be a better man for you and you alone." He said truthfully before opening up the box to reveal the engagement ring that he designed especially for her alone.

Octavia gasped softly seeing the rings beauty then looked over at Y/n as he smiled gently up at her and her speechless face.

Y/n: "Octavia Ars Goetia, when you are one hundred and eighty years will you be my princess. Will you marry me?" He asked before catching himself quickly as Octavia threw herself onto his body hugging him.

Octavia: "Yes, yes, stars above yes, N/n!" She squealed out happily as Y/n laughed deeply as they separated for the young man to place the ring onto Octavia's engagement ring clawed finger before they kissed each other lightly.

Katie: "Such a beautiful moment but it wasn't to last, you see we got video of these two lovebirds. But not much loving anymore." She said as the screen now showed a new video from this very early morning at the prince's estate mansion.

A flying camera demon flew towards the large window which lead to the prince's balcony which was cracked open as the camera caught the prince was in bed with Ars Goetia demonic royalty but it wasn't Octavia, it was her mother: Stella Ars Goetia and the prince was in his incubus form. Pink smoke filled the room from Y/n's mouth as he roared out in pure lust and only focused on one thing at the moment which was mainly satisfying his inner lust that he had foolish locked away for years til his two hundred and eighty-nine birthday.

Stella had came over to help plan the wedding of the prince and her daughter when Y/n had just warned Stolas to not let Octavia come over because he felt sick, the prince was actually fighting with his incubus desires and lust. The prince even sent his staff away from the mansion just when Stella walked into the prince's chambers she found him in his incubus form, horns, tail, wings and all. That's when the last thread of sanity in Y/n's mind snapped and lost himself in his incubus side.

The video stopped showing the royal affair porn as Katie looked at the cameras.

Katie: "This footage was soon caught this very afternoon just outside of prince's estate." She said as the screen showed Octavia Ars Goetia storming out of Y/n's mansion with half naked Y/n following after her.

😈Helluva Boss: Y/n Morningstar Prince Of Hell😈Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora