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For a split second, Neteyam considered simply ignoring the boy next to him, as he didn't want to imagine what his teacher would do if he caught them interacting. The 18-year-old should avoid any interaction with him from the beginning because he was probably a harmful and bad influence in the first place. But then again, making enemies on the first day and as a newcomer as well was listed at the very bottom of the goals Neteyam tried to achieve this year.
"What?", the boy whispered as quietly as possible while darting his gaze from the front to his right. Bright yellow eyes stared into intense blue ones, glistening slightly due to the lights above their heads.
"You're new here, aren't you?", the teal na'vi inquired casually as he leaned behind onto the back of the chair. His feet were stretched out wide, causing Neteyam's eyes to catch the intense white colour of the boy's shoes. They seemed pricey.

With fear rushing through his veins, the forest na'vi turned to face the strange boy. "Yeah, we moved here not too long ago", Neteyam muttered quietly. He then shifted his weight to the back to allow the boy to see his sister. She carefully listened to their teacher's explanation, occasionally scribbling something in her notebook. "This is Kiri, my sister", the 18-year-old added before returning his attention to the lesson. Or at least trying to do so, as the boys next to him simply wouldn't stop bothering him. They looked the girl up and down a few times, before the taller one turned to his friend with a smirk plastered on his face.

"How are your grades, new bo-," the teal na'vi began again, but he couldn't finish his question because their teacher abruptly interrupted him. "If you guys in the last row don't shut up now, I'll kick you all out!", the man yelled angrily, causing the boys to flinch furiously in their seats. A frustrated sigh escaped Neteyam's lips before he let out a quiet "Sorry, Sir".
Given that it wasn't even his fault, the situation was far worse than implied. He desperately wanted to make a good first impression on his teacher Tsu'tey, but that was no longer a possibility. If Neteyam were lucky, the man would not remember this occurrence by tomorrow because he has a poor memory. Yet, if he were truly fortunate, he wouldn't have to sit in the very back with two obnoxious jerks next to him.

The last bit of the lesson passed painfully slowly. Neteyam tried to lift his arm as many times as he could, despite being the only one who knew the answers. Because he and Mr. Tsu'tey were the only ones speaking, the lesson sometimes felt like a chat between those two.
He occasionally noticed a few students becoming irritated by his knowledge, acting as if it wasn't their fault they didn't understand anything.

Sighing, Neteyam gathered his belongings from the table and stuffed them into his backpack before standing up and looking at the schedule on his phone. "Biology..", the boy muttered to himself. While waiting for Kiri, he felt his heartbeat quicken at the prospect of meeting a new teacher and possibly new students. Hopefully, he'll make some new friends soon.
"Let's go," the girl said as they began making their way to the next class, needing to crash right back into the extremely crowded hallway. The sheer number of students at this school was mind-boggling. Their previous school was nothing in comparison.
Some people were walking in groups, others in pairs, or even alone. But everyone knew exactly in which direction they were heading and where their next class would be.

Expect the Sully siblings.

"Who the hell designed this layout?", Neteyam muttered after forcefully closing his destined locker. It would take some time for them to adjust to this new school, for sure.

Just as the two were about to resume their search, they noticed their younger brother trotting around the corridor, looking as lost as they were. He occasionally looked up, holding his phone in one hand and a water bottle in the other, to look for the correct room for his next lesson.
"Lo'ak!", Neteyam yelled as they began hurrying to the boy, causing him to flinch and stop in his tracks abruptly. His expression softened a little at the sight of his two siblings coming closer.
"And? How was the first period for you?", Kiri asked softly. Right now their brother reminded them a lot of an abandoned fawn: his slim figure all alone looking for the right class, concern spread out on his face. Even though the older kids felt sorry for him, it didn't stop them from finding it amusing.

Lo'ak sighed deeply, turning off his phone. "It was alright", he told them. "Nothing out of the ordinary happened. There's a really cute girl in my English class, though!"
Neteyam and Kiri simply rolled their eyes while taking a deep breath in response to the boy's typical remark. At this point, they lost track of how many times this sentence had already left Lo'ak's throat and entered their ears. Cute girls here, cute girls there. Nothing they haven't heard from him yet.

Right as the younger one returned the question to his siblings, the loud door from the men's bathroom suddenly opened, revealing two familiar boys stepping out. "Oh, it's the newbies", the taller one exclaimed as soon as he caught the Sullys directly in front of him. But instead of replying in a friendly tone, these words tickled a small groan out of Neteyam's throat. Having anything to do with them wasn't necessarily the forest na'vi's intention or desire, as the most important goal for this year was to solidly concentrate on his studies and grades. They were probably only going to make fun of them anyway.

"Did you get lost on your way to class?", the one with the bun laughed out while he casually approached the little group of three. His name would remain in oblivion for Neteyam; he heard it once from their math teacher and then never again.

Because they now had biology as well, the boys were gracious enough to request showing the other 12th graders the way to the next classroom. Although Neteyam was perplexed by that, he eventually agreed. Not before waving his brother goodbye, though.
As the group began their journey around the school, the teal na'vi occasionally glanced down at the two new forest siblings to inspect their build and strange tails.

The hallways were a lot less crowded than before, meaning that Neteyam probably wouldn't be able to fulfill his wish of sitting in the front row again.

"You're a nerd," the tall na'vi exclaimed suddenly, grinning as he rehearsed the last math lesson in his head. That forest newbie knew everything, and it was obvious that all he did was spend every day at his desk studying for various exams.

"And you're a loser; which one is worse?"

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 ⎮Neteyam x AonungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ