"ohh, suspects, my brother would be so proud" martha said 

"hey martha" dewey said as martha turned around, gasping and opening her arms 

"dewey...hi!" she said as she and dewey hugged 

"you look.." she trailed off as they pulled away from the hug as they nodded at each other awkwardly 

"yeah" dewey said, breaking the small silence 

"how's the wife?" martha asked dewey but before he could respond chad shut it down 

"okay mom, we're good, thank you" he said gently as everyone looked at him 

"alright, kids, have fun" martha said as jaye snorted at the way chad gave her a thumbs up as sam watched her leave 

"i asked mindy to call everybody here because..." she trailed off, the group staring at her waiting for her to continue




"so let me get this straight" chad said, the whole group in shock in what they just got told 

"so, you're saying that you're the daughter of..billy loomis and that what? one of us is the killer?" chad asked as in confusion 

"exactly, i mean i glad i have someone i can relate to on being a relative to a killer but at least im not blaming it on someone in the group!" jayeson said as the group hummed in agreement as sam sighed, looking at everyone 

"the killer told me he knew my secret" she explained 

"he attacked tara to lure me back here" she said, her voice slightly shaky

"but then why, immediately, go and murder some douche nozzle, that was stalking liv?" chad asked as amber looked around at the group, knees to her chest 

"but..why does it have to be one of us?" wes asked with his hands clasped together as he took a deep breath before continuing 

"what about deputy dewey here? maybe hes the killer" he said as everyone looked at him 

"no offense" wes added 

"none taken" dewey answered but continued 

"but- whats my motive" dewey asked hicks boy 

"you got stabbed a billion times, got dumped by your famous wife and crawled into a bottle, i think its safe to say you're on teh suspect list" wes said with a tiny shrug

"well maybe you're the killer" dewey shot back 

"because that..cut deep" dewey said, obviously hurt as wes gave him a sorry look, regretting what he had said

"that, douche nozzle is connected" amber spoke up from her spot on jayeson's lap (which sam found suspicious) 

"i googled him, his mom is leslie macher" amber said while dropping her hands 

"stu machers sister" amber added, seeing that people were giving her a confused look 

"whos stu macher?" liv asked the freeman girl 

"oh my god" jayeson said under her breath 

"hes billy loomis's accomplice" dewey told liv simply 

"a real loony toon" dewey added while repositioning himself 

"okay, okay" sam said, getting everyones attention 

"so the first three attacks are all on people related to the original killers" sam said, putting the pieces together as mindy perked up 

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