Part 16 - Call

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Lyndy's POV:
Ty wasn't that bad of a man, even though I've only read a handful of the letters he wrote to me. He sent some money too, in any birthday letter sent, there was a twenty note. I got an extra $220 out of them. I pulled out my phone, and went through my contacts. I only got the phone two years ago and I know Ty's number had never been put in but I wanted to make sure. My friend, Derek, had messaged me a few minutes ago, asking about coming over to Heartland tomorrow. I was good friends with Derek, but right now my main concern was getting Ty's phone number. I stood up from my bed and went out to Lisa, tucking my phone into my jeans pocket. "Hey Lisa? Could I borrow your phone for a minute?" I asked nervously. Lisa nodded and smiled. "Sure thing Honey." She handed her phone to me and continued reading the magazine she had. I opened the phone quickly, going straight to her contacts. I tapped the search bar and typed in 'Ty Borden' to see what came up. Bingo. Ty's phone number. I took a screenshot of the number and sent it to me. I felt the buzz against my leg as I deleted the photo, from both her Photo app and from our messages. "Thanks Lisa." I said, handing back the phone. "No problem. Do you want me to drop you into town tomorrow? You and your friend Natara were supposed to be meeting tomorrow, weren't you?" Lisa asked. I nodded. "Yeah, Nat and I were going to meet up but I kinda told her that she could come over here." I said. Lisa nodded. "Both of you are horse crazy." She said with a chuckle. I laughed too before heading to the bathroom, only because there was a lock on the door. I typed the number into my phone and let it ring. I waited. "Hey, this is Ty Borden, please leave a message." I sigh and spoke. "H-hi Ty, you don't really know me... Well, you do, but you haven't seen me since I was three so I don't really know you... Just call me back, please? Thanks, bye." I hit the end button and sigh. Grandpa will kill me if he ever found out. I turn the phone off and leave the bathroom. Lou walks up to me, grinning. "You should be in bed." She says. I groan and nod. "I know, I know, I just had to make a phone call." I say, brushing it off. She laughs and looks up. I wasn't in the mood for conversation so I quickly jogged over to my room and closed the door.


"You what!?" Natara shrieked, making Cappuccino nicker. I rolled my eyes and kicked Cappuccino into a trot. Natara kicked her horse, Terry, into a trot too. "I... may have called Ty." I say, brushing it off. Natara stared at me. "You called the drunk, abusive-" "He wasn't abusing anyone!" I cut her off, but she keeps going. "- Bad man who abandoned you when you were four and a week after your mother, may she rest in peace, died! Come on Lyn! Jack and Tim will freak out!" Nat exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and slowed Cappuccino to a stop. "Look, Nat, he tried to get in contact with me for years. You have to give him some credit where credit is due. Grandpa and GG were the reason why he never came back. Not his alcoholism." I explain, stopping abruptly when my phone rings. Ty Borden. "Holy crap. Ty is calling me." I mutter, glancing at Nat. "Well, answer it!" She all but shouted out. I hit the answer button and held the phone to my ear. "...Hello?" I say hesitantly. The line is quiet. "Hi Lyndy." Ty said. I don't remember much from when Ty and Mom were around, but I remember his voice after hearing it again. "Hi Ty." I say shyly. "I didn't think you'd ever want contact with me again after I left you." He said. I shrugged, knowing he couldn't see it. "You technically left for my well-being, I can't really comment on whether it was the right choice or not." I say, trying not to burst out into a fit of giggles because of how nervous I am. He laughed a bit. "Yeah, well, explain that to Tim. And Jack. How are they anyway?" He asked. I thought for a moment. "Grandpa married again. She's so nice, her name's Jessica, she use to work in NYC with Lou." I say. Jessica was back in New York right now trying to find a new job, she's able to work again now that she's finally finished with her chemotherapy. "And how's Jack?" He sounded genuinely concerned whether or not GG was ok. "Yeah, he's doing fine. He got sick a few years ago, bedridden for a few weeks, but he's fine now. He's riding a good bit too." I say, not going into detail. "That's good, that's good." Ty says, hesitating. We sit there, in awkward silence, before he speaks again. "Hey Lyndy, how about I call you later? We can have a proper conversation and catch up a bit? I'm in work right now, on my break, but I'll have to go any minute now. I'll call you later? Or we can text?" He asks. I nod slowly, before remembering he couldn't see me. "Yeah... Yeah, you can call me later tonight, if that works for you..." I say, suddenly more nervous now that the call was ending. "I'll call you then. Bye Lyndy." He said, waiting for me to answer before hanging up. "Bye Ty." I say, taking the phone down from my ear. I look at Nat, who's looking at me expectantly. "I just answered a call to my dad after eleven years." I tell her in disbelief.

Author's Note:
So sorry for the incredibly late post, Wattpad wasn't letting me post until my account was verified, and the verification emails weren't showing up for me -_-  Please send in any ideas you have, through comments or DM's, I'll work as much of them as possible into the story, you will get total credit for the idea! I can now answer comments and DM's so I'll definitely answer them ASAP!! Thanks for reading!!!

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