You crack open the door. "I'm coming in," you say, giving it a second before opening the door fully.

Peeking around the door frame, you saw Sebastian curled up in his bed. Soft snores filled you ears.

Quietly walking over, you stared at him for a moment. Wouldn't it be rude to just wake him up? His mom did ask you to...

As you reached a tentative hand out, he twitched. Upon looking further, you noticed his eyebrow were furrowed and his forehead shined with sweat.

Was he having a nightmare?

Frowning, you place your hand on his shoulder. "Sebastian?"

He twitches again, lips turning down into a frown.

You gently shake him. "Hey.. it's time to wake up."

He finally jolts awake as you give his shoulder a sharp shake. He pushes you off of him, breathing rapidly and recoiling closer to the wall.

"Hey," you block his hands from pushing you as he frantically tries to escape the horrors of his that plagued his nightmares. "It's me! You're dreaming. Shhh," you grab his forearms to keep him still. "It's just me," you say softly, watching as his breathing slows down and he realizes he's not dreaming anymore.

"Fuck.." he pulls away from you, wiping his forehead.

"Are you okay?" You sat on the edge of his bed. He sits up, running a hand through his hair and taking deep breaths to calm himself. Whatever nightmare he had must've been a bad one.

"I'm fine.." You frown, knowing he wasn't fine at all. But you knew he liked his boundaries, so you dropped it.

"Sorry I had to wake you.."

"I'm sorry you had to see that.. they aren't usually that.. bad."

"No need to apologize."

He looks up at you, meeting your eyes. He looked exhausted. How much had he been sleeping?

"Why are you here?"

"Don't worry, I didn't just randomly break in. Your parents invited me over for lunch. Robin told me to come get you in case you wanted some food." You stand up, giving him some space.

"Oh." He runs a hand through his hair again. "Okay. I'll join. I just need a minute."

"Okay," you say, making your way to his door. "And hey.." you pause, leaning against the door frame. "I know we aren't the closest of friends but uh" you cringe, hating how awkward everything sounded. "well you have my number so.. if you ever need to talk or anything um.. yeah."

He chuckles softly, surprising you. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

You shut his door, running back up the stairs. You had tried to say that without being weird but well it didn't turn out very well.

In the kitchen, Maru and Robin were already seated while Demetrius was placing what looked like the last of the food onto the table.

"Is he coming?" Robin asks.

"Yeah, he said he'd be here in a minute." You figured it was best not to mention the nightmare.

Maru gestures to the seat in front of her and you sit down.

"Now, (Y/n)," Robin smiles at you. "Help yourself to anything and everything. We're big eaters we don't judge. Eat as much as you'd like."

You grin. "Oh, trust me. I will."

Everyone loaded their plates and started to dig in. A few minutes later, Sebastian walked into the kitchen.

"And sleeping beauty rises," Robin teases, a small smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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