•well damn•

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We walked out to be greeted with Dutch getting TOTALY getting whaled on my Angelica I mean she was kicking him and yelling and punching him

"Let's just leave that" I said with a laugh as so did Johnny

We both got to the mats but then the reff stopped me

"Hello you can't be on the mats unless your a students or teacher" the ref said

"Oh I'm a student and this is my personal trainer she helps me physically" Johnny said to the ref

The ref totaly took the bait and let us go
"Physically huh" I said with a laugh

"Yep" Johnny said with a smirk

"We'll get a move on you don't want to be late to your first match" I said to Johnny as he gave me a hug but before he could do it to me I squeezed his butt

Johnny looked at me shocked and flushed
And then did a light jog out to the mat

I was cheering for both of them but was on the cobra side of the maps

Before the two started Johnny jogged over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek

"Good luck! Love you" I said with a smile as Johnny said "love you too princess"

I noticed kreese just looked at me and Johnny with this look of discuss

"LAWRENCE VR LARUSSO" the ref yelled
"Look at me, bow. Look at eatch other  bow......START"

Johnny hopped into his starting position wich damn bro was hot

And Daniel kinda just stood there awkwardly
With his hands in spears

Johnny swiftly started to move towards Daniel who already had a hurt leg. Just kinda hobbled away from Johnny but Johnny was fast and made it to him landing the first point on daniels stomach

"NICE JOHNNY" I yelled and cheered

"GET HIM A BODY BAG!" Jimmy yelled

Wich made me laugh
Jimmy was definitely crazy in a way

The ref yelled for the next round to start and it did

This time Daniel got the first point and swiftly kicked the legs from under Johnny making him fall flat on his face

"NICE DANIEL" I said before Johnny got over

I mean he's my brother I got to support him

I DIDNT notice but johnny had a bloody nose

"Kneel  Larusso, and Lawrence go to your sensei" the ref said

Johnny came over to kreese and flashed a smile at me

"Oh Johnny" I said as I winced bc it looked like it hurt

"Sweep the leg Lawrence" kreese said sturnly but Johnnys eyes flashed from me to kreese

"I SAID SWEEP THE LEG JOHNNY! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Kreese said as he kinda grabbed Johnny by the collar of his GI

"Yes sensi" Johnny said before walking off to the mats

My face was covering my mouth

"who ever lands this point wins!" The red yelled

The round started and Daniel started to come for Johnny with a kick but Johnny grabbed his leg and took his elbow and jabbed it into his knee

"DANIEL!" I yelled and Daniel was now on the Mat in utter pain

Mr miyagi took Daniel to the back of the locker rooms as Johnny kneeled on the ground

Johnny started to mouth that he was sorry

I couldn't be mad at Johnny he didn't do anything it was kreese who I was mad at. I've only known kreese for a story amout of time not enough to know what kreese would do to someone if they disappointed him

After a while Daniel came back out to the mats limping

Johnny got back up from his kneeling potion and got into his fighting position as the ref called the round to start

Daniel put his leg up and then kicked Johnny in the face

Johnny started to crawl and sprawl on the matt in pain

"YAY DANIEL" I yelled as Johnny got up from the mat and got the trophy

"You pretty okay Larusso" Johnny said as he handed him the trophy

Johnny jogged over to me and I gave him the biggest hug


"I lost though?" He said with a laugh

"And? You did good Johnny second place is still really good I mean you have won 5 years in a row" I said to him while giving him a peck on the cheek

"I'm going to go get changed I'll meet you outside by my car" Johnny said as he jogged to the lockers

I started to walk out of the arena and too Johnny car

Strike Hard /////JohnnyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now