•ah shit•

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It was 7:30 in the morning and school starts at 8:30 so I have a good amount of time to get ready and look totally amazing.

Do I have anyone to impress no but I want to make a good first impression with people and maybe even find self a potential boyfrienddddd

I put some mascara on and did my makeup and did myself up. I finished getting ready and looked at myself in the full body mirror

I had a pot of white washed jeans on, black converse, and a light blue tucked in shirt

I though I'm my bag and walked out my room making sure to knock on daniels door to let him know he needs to leave.

I swear it's like babysitting him sometimes but I love the fucker

"Hey mom" i said with a smile noticing she was making toast

"I'm making some toast do you want some for the road?" My mom asked while handing me a peice of toast

"Thank mom-" I said and daniel grabbed it from my hand

"Thanks" Daniel said while walking out of the door.

I grabbed another piece of toast and smile

"Your such a dick!" I said with a smile on my face met him at the bottom of the stairs

"Yeah yeah yn" he said with a smile

We finally got to school and I met up with Angelica she was the only who I could find who was in the little group

"Hey Angelica" I said walking up to her with a perky smile

"Hey girl let me see your schedule" Angelica said while handing you her schedule and I handed her mine

"Oh your going to hate Mr.lanes and Ms.O'collin classes" Angelica said with a laugh

"What do they teach again?" I asked

"Lanes teaches science and O'collins teaches history, they are both massive assholes" Angelica said with a laugh

"Fuck me" I said groaning and thowing my head back bc I don't wanna dead with some bitch ass teachers while bringing my head up I noticed Johnny and his crew staring at me.

I kinda gave them the bitch look and rolled my eyes and continued to talk to Angelica

I got to Mr.lanes classroom and it was horrible there was no color it was just sad and blah I mean he is a science teacher I took a seat in the far right corner away from his desk 2 rows from the back out of a 6 row arrangement

Everyone started to flow into the class room except for the back row and a seat up in the front I saw Susan, Ali, Angelica walk in

"Heyyy! I totaly forgot to mention we had the same class" Angelica said with a smile and came and sat with me

10 minutes into class I rose my hand

"Yes Yn?" Mr.lanes said I'm kinda a what the fuck do you want tone

"Can I use the restroom?"

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