Chapter one - Swan Dive

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Years of torment affect a person.

Izuku Midoryia, nickname, Deku. He was the victim of bullying, why? He was Quirkless.

See in this world 80% of the world is born with a superpower called a quirk, and the unlucky 20% is called Quirkless.

He was constantly picked on, beaten, and ridiculed. For 10 years.
Today was no different, he returned home with bruises and burns, he assured his mother he was ok, that he wasn't being hurt, she didn't believe him, but there was nothing she could do.

He walked into his room, his mother right behind him

"Your classmates got you a present for your birthday, I'm going to finish dinner, I love you son" She spoke.

Izuku smiled a little.
"Love you too mom, thank you"

She nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Izuku sat on his bed, where the gift lay, he looked at the tag
"Happy birthday -From your classmates. To- Deku"

He smiled, this was nice for a change, he undid the ribbon and opened the lid of the box.

His heart sank, in the box where red Spider Lillie, a symbol of death.

Tears slipped from his eyes, they wanted him dead. He sobbed and wailed.
Why him, why did they have to be so cruel!? He got out of his bed and quickly got changed after writing a small note to his mother saying he was going to the beach.

He ran out the door, running as far as his legs could take him.
Eventually, he stopped, he looked around, he was under a bridge, he sighed and sat against the wall.

"Lookie what we have here, you're mine!"

A voice said, he looked up and saw a green sludge, before he could get up it pounced on him, filling his mouth and nose, suffocating him. He cried and tried to fight it, he was scared, only seconds later his vision went black, was this the end? He relaxed and embraced his death.

Then he shot to life, he coughed and looked around and saw a figure, he rubbed his eyes and was taken back, it was All Might!

He got up and bowed down, thanking the number one hero.

"I better get going kid" The hero spoke

"Wait! I have a question!" Izuku spoke in desperation.

"Hm? What's your question kid?"

Izuku took a deep breath in

"Can I become a hero, even without a quirk? I know it's far fetched but-" Izuku rambled

"No, quirkless heroes will only get in the way, try something more realistic, like a police officer" All Might spoke with care but with slight malice.

Izuku's world broke, his heart shattered into a million pieces, he nodded and walked off, he held his tears as his walk turned into a sprint.

He couldn't believe it, his idol, saying he couldn't be a hero, he was done, he ran all the way home in tears, but when he arrived, his eyes were as wide as dinner plates, the apartment building, destroyed and on fire, he ran up to the police tape.

"MOM! WHERE IS MY MOM!?" He screamed, the police officer looked at him.

"All people in the building are dead, there are currently no survivors" The police spoke

The ringing was all he could hear, he collapsed to his knees. No...this couldn't be possible, the only good thing he had in his life, was gone.

He got up and walked away, to where? He didn't know, he let his feet take him wherever, he didn't care.

Until he snapped out of it, he looked up, His high school, he smiled as he jumped the fence, it was his time, he was going to take that swan dive.

He was on the roof, he took a deep breath in and a long exhale. He walked up to the fence and took off his ruby red tennis shoes.

He climbed over the fence and looked out, the sun was setting.

He smiled, he looked, he breathed, he stepped, and he died.

Goodbye Izuku Midoryia.

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