Chapter 23- The True Beginning

Start from the beginning

All the boys stirred awake once I had moved, which was kind of funny. It had been peaceful before, but now all of them were getting angry at each other.
"Ew Mattheo, you drooled all over my sleeve! Wait till my father hears about this!" Draco angrily shrieked.

"Not my fault your arm was there!" Mattheo shot back.

"Fred, get off of my arm. I can't feel it," George said, trying to be calm.

"Not till you get off of mine first," Fred said.

I thought Cedric would be the one to be calm but he actually decided to pick at Harry, the one who was injured!
"Harry, move your arm," Cedric said, pulling mine and Harry's hands apart.

"What did I do?!" He asked, confused.

"You were probably cutting off y/n's blood circulation," he said, which was not logical at all.

Neville was the only one who stayed silent, as he was the only one who recognized that I was awake. He looked at me and gave me a small smile, then raised his eyebrow, asking if I wanted him to tell them. I shook my head, but I was thankful that he had actually noticed me.

I softly cleared my throat and suddenly all the boys stopped talking. They all turned to me, and their faces lit up and became relieved when they saw me awake.

Cedric was the first to speak up and he said, "Y/n! God, I thought you died! Can I give you a hug?"

Mattheo cleared his throat and said, "Woah, woah, woah Prince Charming, I was first in line. I got here first."

"Uh, technically I did," Harry chimed.

"Shut up Potter, you already got to hug her," Malfoy said.

Just as all of them were about to quarrel again, Madame Pomfrey came storming over.

"All of you, out!" She yelled. Harry, thinking he was being a comedic genius, started to get up. She turned towards him, fire in her eyes. "Haha, very funny. Stay. In. Bed."

Harry gulped and laid back down. Suddenly, Dumbledore walked in and approached the beds of Harry and I. 

"I just saw six boys hurry out. I assume they were all for you Y/n L/n? Unless they are all "bros" with Harry..." Dumbledore spoke, making me laugh. He was quite funny.
"Professor Dumbledore, I have a lot of questions," Harry said, itching for answers.

"Well, I'll explain to you what happened and then I'll answer your questions," he said, making the eager boy wait patiently. "The stone was kept safe, thanks to y/n, and now it has been destroyed. Unfortunately, Mr. Flamel and his wife will soon or have already died, but they have both lived long, beautiful lives. However, Voldemort has not been destroyed. He is currently looking for another vessel."

"Why does Voldemort want me dead? Why did he kill my parents too?" Harry asked, not knowing why he was even in this situation.

"Perhaps when you're older I'll tell you, but for now I will leave that for another day," Dumbledore said, dismissing the question.

"Why was Quirrell burning?" Harry asked, curious on how he actually defeated Quirrell.

"Love," Dumbledore answered, confusing Harry. "The love your mother had towards you as she protected you with her life is enough to repel the dark power of Voldemort." Dumbledore continued to explain everything to Harry, like how his mom died.

Once Dumbledore was finally done I perked up and asked, "Professor Dumbledore, why was I given the stone, not Harry?"

Dumbledore smiled and said, "Only those who were of purest heart and sought the stone to protect it rather than covet its power for themselves can see the stone. I thought Harry would be one of those people, but I did not expect you to also be one y/n. Well done. You are truly pure hearted."

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