She was like Phoebe, his big sister he could count on to protect him. She had, after all taken him under her wing despite hating every male on the planet. Pluto became Percy's father for Neptune had still never made the effort to try to contact him or see him at all. Percy didn't mind though, Pluto was a great father to him and allowed him into the underworld when ever he wanted. Pluto had taken his time when he taught Percy his powers to a more advanced level each time he saw his new son. Vesta came frequently and always took Percy out for mother son time after he completed his training lessons. Percy continued to teach himself water powers and soon became skilled and could control the sea with ease.

Zoe saw the duo approaching and ran to them excitedly,

"Who won this time?" As of everyone heard the question they were soon surrounded by curious hunters.

"It was a draw." There was an uproar of surprise which made Percy chuckle. He and Zoe slipped out of the group and began to talk,

"How did a idiot like you tie with Lady Artemis?" She asked as she looked at him suspiciously. He rolled his eyes but couldn't help but love the playful banter between himself and Zoe.

"If you must know, I was awesome...end of story." She flicked his forehead and he yelped,

"Youch, just kidding!" She chuckled and clasped his shoulder with her hand while looking at him seriously. He felt a blush creep it's way on his cheeks,

"Percy, you need to stop hanging out with Apollo, it's very unhealthy." He saw the hint of mischievousness in her dark eyes and he smirked,

"I guess your right, mom always taught me to respect my elders." Zoe's eyes widened and a scowl formed on her face. Percy gulped nervously,

"I-I was just kidding Zoe, honest! I said elders because your fourteen and I'm thirteen." Her eyes narrowed at the now pale Percy,

"You really expect me to believe that?"

"Uh...yes?" It sounded more like a question then an answer.

"As the god of truth I can sense he is lying." Percy turned and glared at his brother Apollo. Zoe grabbed him by his ear, she then yanked really hard making him fall to the ground. He clutched his throbbing ear and frowned at her,

"Owwwwwwww! I said I was joking!"

"It wasn't funny!"

"Your right, it was hilarious."

"The only thing hilarious is when I drag your sorry butt to tartuarus!"

"Shessh! Is it that time of the month?" He asked sincerely and Apollo roared with laughter along with the other hunters. Artemis face palmed at Percy's stupidity but cracked a smile at his joke. Zoe's eye twitched and she stomped on Percy's stomach,

"Oof!" He grunted and held his now hurt tummy. His body felt twice as sore but he couldn't help but smile at Zoe's angry face. Her eyebrows furrowed together and her lips were pursed. He liked seeing Zoe happy, but sometimes angering her was far to fun.

"Meanie." He grumbled and slowly climbed to his feet. Zoe shrugged and looked at him in amusement,

"I try."

"Really hard, not like you have to." he muttered and Zoe flashed him a glare,


"Nothing!" He exclaimed hurriedly and held his hands up in surrender. Phoebe approached the two and embraced her little brother,

"Good job Perce." He smiled and flashed her a smile. He really loved his siblings, they were all warriors, they were all fun, and they all loved him as well.

Vesta's Child (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang