She must've gotten separated from Inuyasha and the others. I also notice a nasty gash on her right upper arm, the blood staining the long sleeve of Kagome's white and green shirt.

I have to smile to myself, watching my fiancé. He's protecting Kagome, a human who isn't even one of his companions. He really has changed recently.

As we destroy more demons, I hear Kagome waking up. "Sakura, Sesshomaru?" We glance at her. More demons fly at Sesshomaru and I. While he slashes them out o the air, the demons disintegrate the second they hit my barrier. Kagome sits up as she clutches her arm as she gazes at the dog demon in surprise. "You've been driving away these demons all this time?"

I inquire as we cut down more demons, "That wound... is it Inuyasha's doing?" Kagome tightens her fingers around it as she gasps.

Sesshomaru remarks, "Being a mere hanyo, I presume Naraku's darkbess overcame him." Her eyes wavering, Kagome looks down sadly as she seems to recall what happened.

I blink as Sesshomaru is already walking away. I drop my barrier and catch up to him with Karina.

She denies, dropping her hand as she whips her head to Sesshomaru, "No, that's not it!" Kagome gasps as she realises we're leaving. "Wait!" Gripping her bow, the black haired girl rushes up to us, but pauses.

As we walk, Kagome questions, "Sesshomaru, your nose is as sharp as Inuyasha's, isn't it? Aren't you able to locate Rin?" He doesn't respond. She turns her head away in concern. After a moment, Kagome lets out a gasp as she points to above us. "Look! Rin's right up there!" We look to see my daughter sitting on a ledge.

"Rin!" I exclaim as I go to run over to her.

Sesshomaru huffs as he turns away and says, "That is only an illusion."

I stop short and slump my shoulders, sighing sadly. How could I have almost been fooled by an illusion?!

I quickly catch up to my fiancé.

As we walk, Kagome sticks close to Sesshomaru by draping her arm over Mokomoko-sama. I continue to walk beside Karina who is still in her Sabertooth form.

 I continue to walk beside Karina who is still in her Sabertooth form

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Sesshomaru suddenly announces, "She's close by." I glance at the silverette in surprise. "We have to fly."

I stammer as he takes off and Kagome grips Mokomoko-sama, with me jumping swiftly onto Karina's back, "Y-You know where she is?!" Karina easily keeps up with the dog demon.

Sesshomaru informs us, "Inuyasha is there with her."

Kagome gasps, "Inuyasha too?!"

Sesshomaru adds, "However, he remains in demon form." Kagome looks worried.

We reach a part of Naraku covered in more webs and see Rin on her hands and knees, a possessed-looking Inuyasha in front of her. He looks just just when Kohaku was possessed by Magatsuhi. Inuyasha's eyes are blood red and there's a single lilac line on each cheek.

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