The Love We Never Had

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Today you were asked out, It wad kind of funny to you how someone like her would ask you out.

Her voice was so annoying oh god, you hated her.

Everyone in the hall ways started laughing the moment you rejected her, you joined in humiliating her was funny to you.

Laughing at her, she was so humiliated she didn't even try to get up

One tear slipped down her cheek causing everyone to laugh more, and making you grab your phone to film her.

Very little cries almost turns in to sobs as no one stopped harassing her.

Even the teachers, they didn't stop anything which made the poor girl feel truly alone.

With every muscle in your body you punch her in the face as hard as you can

Eventually, the pain both physically and mentally goes numb and she can't feel it anymore

No one Helped her, people just watched her cry one as you filmed her 

Eleven minutes later was when she decided to finally speak up

Views of discuss came from others that shortly turned into more laughter 

Eyelids feeling heavy, she closes them, not being able to take the pain anymore

Ragging Roseanne is what you always called her, RR for short 

Her breathing was steady it slowed down the more kicks you through at her

Anger busted through your views as she finally got up and starting fighting back

Dumbfounded, as she started laughing and you start to pay more attention and realise no one was laughing at her, it had been you the whole time.

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