Akito pt 2

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It had been a couple months now 7 months and 13 days to be exact. Ena was still out of it but the doctors were saying day by day that since she'd survived this long she had a higher chance of coming back. It seems we were all right she was a fighter and she was going to come back I could feel it.

The hospital had been so good to me they offered me free therapy that I still attend weekly because of how I was dealing with Ena no longer being the lively 15 year old she was. Well she was 16 now she missed her birthday I still celebrated for her at the hospital I knew she couldn't hear me but she was my sister I believed she deserved some kind of celebration you know for being such a fighter.

I was sitting by my bed( I'd recently got into art because it reminded me of Ena although haven't shown my dad yet well I've not even seen my dad because I've been living with Ena at the hospital the whole time I didn't want to see his face anyway I still blamed him for Enas attempt I mean the fact he hasn't visited once confirmed my thoughts about him never caring about her in the first place but that's beside the point I was hoping he'd come in soon.

2 days later...

I woke up this morning to a nurse telling me Ena had a visitor and the press was with them. I wasn't fully awake so I had no idea who I kinda thought it would be the teachers from school or somebody she knew but to my shock it was my Dad. As much as I hated his guts and didn't want to see him I was kind of happy he'd finally shown up to the hospital maybe he'd finally felt an ounce of regret maybe he was finally going to change and become a good dad to the both of us.

I don't know what I was expecting when he barged in cameramen behind him as he cried by Enas bed. I didn't know what was going on I tried to ask but I was silenced as if they didn't want me in shot although I'd been the one who'd been caring for Ena this whole time. I'd been the one who'd stood beside her even when the doctors said she might not come back. I was the one who stood beside her when she was getting bullied. I WAS THE ONE WHO HELPED WHEN DAD COMPLETELY RUINED HER CONFIDENCE AND MADE HER DOUBT HER ABILITIES AND NOW I WAS BEING SILENCE BY THE MAN WHO HURT HER MOST. I tried to stay quiet I knew the media would somehow twist my words if I tried to spoke but it infuriated me  as I heard my dad talk about her and say a load of bullshit lies making him out to be some kind of victim.

Dad: My poor Ena I'm sorry I haven't visited it's just affected me so so much not seeing your cheerful smile every day and not seeing your look of joy when you made a new painting. I have no idea who has done this to you I don't know if it was Akito or the bullies at school but I will find out because I want to know who's hurt my beautiful daughter.

I sat there in disbelief did he seriously just say it might have been me. ME. for gods sake I acknowledge maybe I haven't been perfect but I'm the one who trying to change .I'm the one who trying to support her. I'm the one who's helped her through everything he's put her through. I think one of the nurses started to see me get angrier as he asked if I wanted to have a breather outside and I had to accept I couldn't stand another minute in there with him lying about how great of a father he's been when she and I both know he's been the complete opposite. Me and the nurse talk for a while.

Nurse: Is that your dad?

I reply quite bluntly I don't really want to talk about him because I don't remember a single good thing he's ever done for me and Ena and I'm trying my hardest not to cry.

Akito: Yeah
Nurse: How come he got you all worked up I thought you'd be happy to see him?
Akito: I mean it's because all he speaks is bullshit lies all the time how much he misses his sweet daughter but that's the same daughter he caused to cry herself to sleep every night he's an actor I'll tell you because nothing he said in there was true he just wants media attention and if he wants that he can have it but he can lose his children in the process.
Nurse: Are you sure he hasn't changed?
Akito: If he'd really changed he would have gone in alone not with cameras recording everything
Nurse: I get it I'm sorry
Akito: I just wish I could say something expose him but he'll be paying them a ton for this he wants to get views higher since his arts being dying down recently as people prefer more modern styles.
Nurse: Why do you hate your Dad Akito.

There were a ton of ways I could answer that because there are so many reasons I despise the man but I just say one.

Akito: Because I think he's the reason Enas here

The nurse didn't say anything after that. I was crying again and they could tell that it would be best they didn't say anything else as I couldn't bring myself to talk about the subject anymore. I wish he'd changed I really did but the second the media was involved I could tell it was yet another plot for him to gain a few extra bucks towards a whole lot of nothing. I probably should calm down a bit I mean me being angry makes me like him and that is not the look I want.

The months after that went smoothly I didn't see Dad again until she woke up October 26th.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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