Chapter 13

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You hissed as you threw yourself at the now bolted door. "Let me out you fucker!"

You slammed your fists against it in rage before moving over to the one-way mirror. "I know you're in there! Let me out!"

You took a step back, panting. The room was silent. It had a table in the middle of the room, with two chairs on either side of it, facing a large mirror.

Quaritch had thrown you in there the moment you landed, much to your dismay. You didn't like the fact that you were being watched- if you were being watched. You couldn't tell.

You sunk to the floor in the corner of the room, clutching yourself. You were starting to feel sore from throwing your weight around so much, aches blistering your usually soft skin.

You hid your face in your arms as you felt tears threaten to fall down your face. You wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry.

The door slid open with a loud whirring noise followed by a clunk. After a few moments, deliberate steps echoed off of the floors in a rhythm. You could tell who it was by his stride alone.

You wiped your tears before glaring daggers at the man, face still half concealed.

"Tire yourself out?" He chuckled before turning a chair with its back to you, and sitting on it with a smirk.

"What do you want?" You scowled.

"I just want to know where Jake Sully is. Then I'll be outta your hair.." He glanced at your cowering shape. You were hunched over, purple bruises scattered across your arms and legs.

He stood once more and walked toward you in slow strides. When he was close enough, he knelt on one knee and stretched a hand out to your face.

"Don't fucking touch me." You spat, turning to face him.

He looked at you for a moment, a multitude of emotions flashing his expression before he settled on a disheartened look. He gave you some distance before speaking. "Atleast let me patch you up?" He asked.

You eyed him suspiciously before wincing at his touch. He lifted your hand, your knuckles red raw from your rage earlier.

"You gotta take better care of yourself.." He laughed, disinfecting the wound with a small cotton swab. His tone was much different now, the same as it was just a few days prior.

You'd be lying if you said you didn't miss him. His gruff voice, his strong presence and his stern gaze..

"Why?" You choked, looking him in the eye.

"Why, what?" He asked, focused on your hands.

"Why are you so mean?"

He met your gaze, confused, before wrapping your hand in bandages. "I'm only doing my job." 

You scoffed. "You're seriously gonna be bossed around like that? Shouldn't you decide what you want to do?"

He went silent, a frown on his face. "Not like I got much've a choice.." He muttered before standing up.

You scurried to your feet. "You do have a choice, Miles. You're Na'vi now. You don't have to do what they tell you to."

He sat on the chair once more, gesturing for you to sit opposite him. You slid into the seat, it's cold metal surface easing your bruises.

"Do ya' promise to behave?" He asked, disregarding your pleads.

You looked at him for a moment, bewildered. "Yeah..?"

"Good." He stood from his seat and pivoted to the door, opening it with a click on the keypad. "I'll talk to the General about getting you outta here."

He paused and turned to you, "and.. I'll think about what you said."

He disappeared behind the door as it whirled shut once more, leaving you sat in silence again.

You held your face in your hands, heaving a sigh.


You groaned as you stretched in your bed, stirring in your sleep.

You'd been designated a small cell a little while away from the main building. It wasn't awful, in fact it was similar to your old bunk with Zdinarsk but this time you had it all to yourself. You'd spent the remainder of the day getting some much-needed rest.

You heard a knocking on the steel bars, pulling you from your hazy dreams. You grunted, hugging the coarse blanket against your body. "Go away.."

"I figured you'd want somethin' to eat." The man spoke. It was Miles. Again.

You turned over in the bed to face him, eyes half lidded in annoyance. You tangled yourself in the sandpaper they called a blanket, pointing to the floor. "You can leave it there."

He clicked his tongue and rattled with the ring of keys, balancing a metal tray with his other hand. He opened the door  and placed the tray on the small table before standing infront of you, blocking the light from the small lamp above.

You looked up with a frown before sitting up in the bed. "What do you want?" You asked, rubbing your sleepy eyes.

"I wanted to set things straight." He declared, eyes earnest. "I wasn't thinkin' straight earlier. I was never gonna hurt them kids.. I just- I was angry and I took it out on 'em."

You looked him up and down as he explained. He genuinely seemed to show remorse, but you still weren't entirely sold.

"I don't think I realised the effects of my actions back when I was human.." He admitted, casting his gaze to the floor. You stood to his level, holding his hands.

"You're not him anymore." You spoke sweetly, running your fingers over his knuckles.

He seemed unsure of himself. He was never the type to be so open about his feelings.. or to even consider a different point of view. That was evident by the way he communicated his feelings. You couldn't help but feel bad.

He sighed and gazed down at you before taking you in a deep embrace. "I want to be different from now on." He muttered, arms wrapped around your back.

You melted into the touch, snaking your arms around his neck. "I'll be here for you, Miles. We can do it together."

He broke away with a dry laugh. "God, what are you doin' to me?" He looked down at himself, unsure if he was even the same man he was weeks prior. You'd definitely changed him, for the better.

"Enough of this corny shit, anyways.." He avoided your gaze, annoyed at himself for being so emotional.

You giggled at his expression. You'd managed to warm the heart of such a cold man- you were almost proud of yourself.

"What are we gonna do now?" You asked, inspecting the tray of food he'd brought for you. You noticed a familiar jelly pot in the right corner and picked it up, mind wandering with a smile. Where did he even get them from?

He sighed and rested his palms against the table beside you. "I think we gotta ask for some outside help.. from Sully."

You met his gaze, surprise written all over your face. Jake was the last person you thought he'd mention, let alone ask for help.

"How come? You know he's not exactly fond of you, right..?" You spun around, seating yourself on the small table after pushing the tray to the side. 

"I know.. but we have to get rid of Ardmore. We can only do it with the Na'vi on our side." He reasoned, peeking at you every few seconds. You could tell he was struggling to articulate himself, probably afraid that you'd think his idea was 'stupid'.

You thought for a moment. "It'll be hard... but I'll try. I'd be able to have you two meet if I wasn't locked up." You laughed, gesturing to the concrete room.  There was a moment's silence as he debated himself in his mind.

"I think I know a way to get you outta here."


A Second Chance | Quaritch x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن