Chapter 3

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You winced in pain as a deep ache spread through your tail.


The Colonel let you down gently before pushing on your shoulder, turning you away from him so he could assess the damage.

"Mansk, get the first aid kit." He commanded, sending the man inside. He turned and crouched beside you before continuing. "Alright, class is over. You're dismissed."

They stared for a moment, unsure if what they were hearing was true. Their trance only broken by a quick scowl from the Colonel as he lashed his head around. The crew cheered as they walked away, yakking on about nothing important.

The man infront of you knelt down to your level with a grimace. "Sorry 'bout that." He gestured to your tail. "I'll get you fixed up, don't worry."

You felt your heart flutter for a moment as you stared at him open-eyed. You hadn't had the chance to look at him so closely before.

He was younger than the Quaritch you'd known a decade prior. Seemingly nicer, too. He still had his signature coarse voice and southern accent.. but it came off as less hostile now, more comforting than anything.

Were you going crazy? You didn't like the way your heart rate sped up at his touch- or when he looked at you with his signature rough countenance.


He gave you his hand and pulled you up as if you weighed nothing. His hand was warm and calloused, and so large it almost enveloped yours. He guided you to a bench in the shade of the building, letting you rest your aching legs.

"Thank you." You looked up at him through your hair, not wanting him to see your probably flushed cheeks.

He shook his head as Mansk came around the corner with a small green box.

"Go and join the others in the common room." He ordered, Mansk immediately complying with a nod.

It was just you two now. Alone. Quaritch wasted no time in treating your tail. He crouched behind the bench and held the appendage with a firm grip, making you jump at the contact.

He let out a small chuckle. "Easy, now."

You looked around in embarrassment, you were sat opposite a tall chain-link fence that looked out to the forests of Pandora. The large shrubs and trees poked through the wire of the fence, absorbing as much sunlight as possible. They seemed to glow vivid shades of green and purple in the light.

"The forest, huh?" Quaritch grunted as he stood, packing up the box. "Bet you're itchin' to get back out there."

You inspected your tail, it had been bandaged right in the centre with a small splint along the top.

"Yes... do you think we'll be able to go out there soon?" You asked, standing to face him.

He shrugged. "Depends on the General. Though, I suspect after you've finished your training we'll be sent out."

You gave a slow nod, processing what that really meant. "How much training do I have to do?"

"Not a lot. Hell, you'll probably be qualified by next week." He laughed, walking toward the door as you followed.

You pondered that statement. "Really? I thought I'd be training for months- atleast." You stepped inside the dark and cool building, feet clicking against the steel panelled floor.

"Well, Ardmore doesn't expect you to be fully qualified. Plus, you'll have the rest of us with you, like your own squad of bodyguards." He looked back at you as he walked, placing the first aid kit back in its case on the wall.

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