Chapter Fourteen- A Confession... Gone Wrong?

Start from the beginning


"The exams are coming up this week, so I think by the end of it we'll have our new round of genin." Iruka beamed. "They're all very spirited, I think some have the potential to pass the Chunin exams next year. Mei?"
Her eyes veered back to Iruka instead of the scenery across the bend they sat on. "Huh? Oh, sorry Rue."
He gave a faint smile. "You alright?"
She nodded slightly. "Yeah, and I didn't sleep well." Her mouth stayed open for a moment longer, before she closed it and looked down.

"Is that all?"
Mei let out a shaky sigh. "No, but... I already talked to Genma about it."
She then gave a brief explanation about Kakashi's odd behavior. Iruka listened with an attentive ear, watching her twirl a kunai with alternating fingers. After she finalized the events of this morning, she flung it towards the tree trunk in front of them, hitting the center.
"I don't think Kakashi's ever been the one to speak about his emotions," Iruka fished through his lunch bag, pulling out a couple of pieces of mochi. He handed her the matcha flavored. "Hopefully he understands that in a relationship he can let his guard down a bit more. But that might take some time."
Mei nibbled on the snack, leaning her head against the palm of her hand. "Hopefully. He mentioned having dinner tonight, but I was too pissed off to give him an answer."
"Get dressed anyway," he nudged her with his elbow. "dress up nice, you'll feel better and he might be more open to talking."
Mei forced a small grin. "We'll see,"

Mei walked by the Academy on the way to the Western gate, nostalgia flooding her mind. She observed the playfield briefly, most kids running around playing made-up games but others training or studying. She met eyes with a young brunette girl sitting beside an even younger girl with similar features. A younger sister, Mei presumed. The brunette averted her gaze, shuffling the cards beside her sister and continued their game. Upon a closer look, they weren't playing cards at all, but reading index cards. Mei tilted her head curiously as the younger sister began to read the description on the inside while the older girl thought hard before answering.
"Rue wasn't kidding. The little one must be at least 6." She mumbled, carrying on with her route.
Her feet dragged slowly the closer she got to the gate. Her eyes stuck to the ground and occasionally the feet of a person walking by. She was well aware of the lively chatter around her, and yet her shoulders remained low. Her overgrown bangs covered the sides of her face. Eventually she held her elbows, mind racing as she combed through what she said and done around Kakashi that could have possibly upset him.

Her feet paused when she nearly stepped on someone's toes. When the feet remained still, she tilted her head up and met Kakashi's gaze. She felt her heart leap, drop, and flip stimultaneously.
"Sorry," she flipped her thick braid back. "I'm running late."
He stepped to the side, blocking her from walking around him. She leaned back, her eyes widening at the touch of him tucking the longer piece of her bangs behind her ear.
"I'll see you tonight?" He asked, his hand brushing the side of her head.
"Um... Sure," she breathed. "Okay."
Mei's eyes fluttered closed as he kissed her forehead gently, taking his time pulling away from her. He didn't stop her from walking away this time, and watched her walk away from him. Beyond the gates for her patrols.


Mei smoothed out her dress, a deep purplish-pink rouge that reminded her of the dusk she watched before she departed the Isle of Dreams. She turned her body slightly, approving of the form-fitting outfit, ending at the middle of her calves and it's short sleeves off the shoulder. She was impressed at how the criss-cross pattern across her chest gave the illusion of a push-up bra. Her fingers adjusted the opal necklace he gifted her, and then her freshly-pampered curls.
Her nose sniffed, and Mei whispered a curse word under her breath before running to the oven and removing the almond cookies just in time. The edges were perfectly golden, the almond in the center toasted but not burnt. She let out a sigh of relief before setting them on the cooling rack to finish up.

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