Scrambling to your feet, you were now face to face with the intruder. It was a man, younger, maybe around your age, donned in all black. Black shoes, black slacks, black suit jacket, and black vest underneath that was buttoned but with a neckline cut plenty low enough to show a good expanse of his chest. He had an eerie beauty to him: his face just bordering on gaunt with pronounced cheekbones, a sharp jawline, and a hint of bags under his eyes as if he had just woken up from a night of restless sleep. But he didn't seem to have recently awoken, very much alert and well put-together in every other aspect. His black hair was perfectly styled back from his face save for one stray lock towards the middle, and his eyes were so dark they reminded you of black holes, threatening to sweep you away forever into a cold unknown. He had more piercings than you could count in the moment, silver and the odd jewel adorning his ears. The vest showed off four or five separate silver chains around his neck.

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" You breathed out, desperately trying to blink away the vertigo from your sudden change in orientation.

The man was between you and the doorway, his body language not indicating that he was blocking your way out intentionally. His hands were tucked in the pockets of his pants as he cocked an eyebrow up at your question. He seemed entirely relaxed and yet the air around you still felt as if it were growing colder by the second.

"I should be asking you that. What the hell am I doing in your apartment?" He repeated your question back to you, amusement in his tone as he studied you from head to toe, then back up.


"I was summoned by someone. I'm not summoned often, usually Eros or Aphrodite are at the beck and call of humans."

The names made your head spin, "Eros? Aphrodite? Like, the Greek gods?"

"Yes, of course." One of his hands left his pocket, the many rings along his fingers glistening in your ceiling fan lights as he went to push the stray lock of hair back from his face. "Humans are always wishing for love or beauty or fame. Not as often are they wishing for my gifts, or at least not with such an intensity that I'm inclined to entertain those wishes."

Something about his candor inclined you to ask, "Who are you?"

"I've had a couple names. Pluto, and you probably recognize me as Hades. But you can call me Jaemin."

His words made your heart thunder in your chest once again. You wanted to tell yourself that this guy was crazy, but he sounded so assured and calm that it gave you pause. Not mention that he had just appeared in your home out of nowhere.

"Hades? God of the Underworld? In my apartment?"

"The very same. Please, call me Jaemin. As long as I can call you Y/N."

"Oh, you know my name already," you stated weakly.

The god's—Jaemin's—eyes continued to stare you down. It felt like he was looking into your soul. And you wanted him to.

"I didn't summon you," you told him cautiously. "Or at least I didn't try to."

He took a step towards you. "And yet here I am."

Another step. "I was brought here by a desire, your desire. So, what do you really, really want, Y/N?"

His words dripped off his tongue and wound their way through your mind. "A loved one back from the dead? The death of an enemy? To die yourself? So much money you could never spend it all in one lifetime?"

Another step.

"No, none of those," you shook your head vigorously, feeling like every sense of yours was alight with his proximity to you. Every sound was deafening, your skin tingled, and the scent of cinnamon and citrus danced around you. One more step and he'd practically be on top of you. "I don't want any of that."

obsidian black ❧ | the golden fruit duology (1/2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now